Small Business Marketing Academy Overview

By Ashley Wells


For the new or soon to be business owners, this site generally is the best way to get a pretty clear understanding of the steps that should be taken for successful merchandising and marketing.

The site offers multiple information-packed videos of fundamental and essential training for most online locally owned established businesses. It includes subjects of interest for most home-based businesses furthermore is spread out in modules and meetings and,  you can watch what is of most importance to you first and, as you get further developed, you can go to specific subjects.  There are many guest speakers so that you can take advantage of their insight, perspectives and broad coverage.

The lessons outline the absolutes of starting a profitable and successful business, by providing a clear picture of the do’s and don’ts so that they make the right decisions and limit how many wrong-turns they make. It is additionally an extraordinary reference when they have advanced subjects to look into and comprehend.

The site is an interface that provides extensive coverage of subjects from many perspectives and navigates you through a variety of content and speakers; it also offers a broad inclusion of topics and numerous points of view.

The whole site is full of essential, priceless, and crucial information plus, it’s entirely free, which makes it one of the best business training sites.

The content is reliable and helpful. All new business owners must take reference. Below is what you should see when you go sign up.  It is fairly simple to sign up.

By Ashley Wells

on June 20, 2020

Ashley worked in content marketing and business opportunities- internet marketing.

What You Need to Get Your Home Business Up and Running

Working from home can be a rollercoaster of emotions. You go from the pleasant feeling of being your boss to an annoyed snort because of your lousy neighbors. Then you need to be prepared to face interruptions, isolation, taxes, and at times a general lack of motivation. All within the time-span of an average working day.

Whether that’s working remotely for a company or starting your own business, there’s a massive potential behind working-from-home opportunities. You have surely heard of people who have made their home business work to the point of full financial independence. The Internet is full of materials on new streams of passive income that you can set up from the comfort of your home.

The percentage of Americans working from home is on a steady rise. It went from barely 3.3% of the population in 2000 to over 5.2% in 2017. The numbers might look small at first, but we are still talking about over 8 million workers. The same amount of people as the whole population of Switzerland or Israel.

The numbers have grown even more in 2020.

During the coronavirus outbreak, over half of all employed Americans have transitioned to working from home. In general, the number of employers offering a work-from-home option has increased by 40% in the last five years. Working from home is now more popular than ever before.

You might have years of work-at-home experience, or maybe you’ve just started. Either way, working from home indeed gives you more flexibility and freedom. But it also means that now you have more responsibilities weighing on your shoulders, especially in terms of making your work financially sustainable.

Running a home-based business allows you to profit without dealing with the high overhead of traditional business settings. You will also avoid long commutes, annoying colleagues, and office politics. However, running a successful small business from home is not always easy. Home businesses require investments of time, effort, and overall planning. 

There has never been a better time than now to learn more about how to run your home business. It is the right time to enroll in a training class made with your schedule in mind.

UNC Business Essentials Graduates Speak Out

Scale your home business financially

Being able to work at night or first thing in the morning is an excellent advantage for those who are juggling children and other obligations. As a home worker, you can more easily accommodate your business and children’s schedule.If you think opening a home business would be a good idea, you are not alone. 

More than 50% of small businesses are home-based, according to the Small Business Administration. 

Setting up your business from home sounds simple. But before you go full speed ahead, make sure that you are fully prepared for what lays ahead.Running a home-based business requires a series of solid skills spanning from business development and lead generation to sales and marketing. All of which are vital to ensure success.

You may think that as the sole operator, you should be working only in your business, rather than on your business. That is where many first-time home business owners get it wrong. It is essential to focus on delivering the best product or service to your customers. However, it is also crucial to focus on all the systems and processes that provide an infrastructure for your business to be not only successful but also thriving and sustainable. The list includes finances, marketing plans, vision, strategy. Just to name a few.

Don’t worry. While it sounds daunting at first, there is one bullet-proof way for you to build your 

How? We hear you ask. 

We have the right training class for your needs

Make your business work

We know that you are trying to cut costs so that you can quickly invest in your business. However, making the wrong decisions can cost you far away more in the long run.

In terms of business development, quality overcomes speed. Rushing to open your home-based company without a sustainable business plan is like getting a tattoo when drunk. The problem is that while you can remove an awkward tattoo, you can often not erase the financial consequences of poor business actions. 

With our training class, you will learn all the information you need to make wiser business decisions. You will learn from our mistakes and our successes. You will finally have all the knowledge you need to take the next step. 

So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now in our training class and start your journey to success!

The Primary Personal Benefits of Taking this Training

Key Benefits to You of this Training

  • Learn How to Achieve Financial and Personal freedom from the work grind
  • Improved work/life balance with work and Time for your Family
  • Achieve better productivity through learning the many suggestions from the top 10 trainers
  • Learn about Tax issues and how to get tax advantages from your business
  • Reduce your commute time to almost nothing
  • Allows You to Test Out Business Ideas by following proven methodologies and ideas
  • Family Time
  • Customer Relationship Building
  • Access to Global Markets
  • Better Salary (Most Fascinating Advantage of Digital Marketing Course)
  • Ability To Create Personalized Marketing Messages For Every Target Group
  • Improved Brand Loyalty Through Internet Marketing
  • Everything can be Measurable and Well-Automated in Internet Marketing
  • You’re the boss
  • Using digital marketing tactics is the most cost-effective way to market your business
  • Allows you to target your ideal buyers
  • Learn about advertising and the various methods of advertising
  • More job opportunities
  • You get to keep the money you make
  • Opportunities for professional growth
Marketing Mix

Why Not Taking this Training Will Keep You where you are now

  • No exposure to entrepreneurship
  • The consequence of business failure
  • Fear of failure
  • Inadequate resources to start a business
  • No idea what business to start
  • They don’t get ready for their future
  • They don’t know the difference between  advantage and a risk
  • They don’t know how the Home – based Business works
  • They are thinking that they need to learn about IT Staffs before trying it
  • They are thinking that the home –  based business is Risky

Your business will be more likely to succeed if you take this training before moving forward

  • There’s an ability to adapt to changes
  • Master of Time Management
  • More profits to come for my business
  • Technology keeps advancing
  • Interactive online courses will provide your learners with active learning, helping to increase their retention of course material
  • Allows for global collaboration
  • Ensures training consistency and standardization
  • Utilizing the internet for improving your skills is the ultimate way to climb up the success ladder, as the best investment that you can make is investing in yourself.
  • I can offer more jobs, the fastest and easiest tracking funds.
  • Set Training Goals

List of the Experts that are inside of Training

  • Matthew Paulson
  • Rochester Chamber
  • Neil Patel
  • Ruan M. Marinho
  • Jill W. Fox
  • Jim Allen
  • Anil Kumar
  • Staphon Lawrence
  • Dovas Zakas
  • Jack Canfield
  • Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Anthony Miyazaki
  • Media Maven
  • Hernan Vazquez 
  • Vicky Jones
  • Evan Carmichael
  • Brandon Lucero
  • Sam Oh
  • John Crestani
  • Will Fraser

Over 28 Modules with 93 Sessions

  • The value of Joining the Local Chamber of Commerce – with 5 Sessions
  • How Blogging Improves your local Business Awareness – with 4 Sessions
  • How Charitable Causes Improve Your Local Business Clout and Awareness – with 3 Sessions
  • Customer Loyalty Programs for Local Businesses – with 4 Sessions
  • How to use Discounts – with 5 Sessions
  • How to increase your Social Media Presence – with 4 Sessions
  • Guerilla Marketing for Local Businesses – with 1 Sessions
  • Guerilla Marketing Basics – with 4 Sessions
  • How to Choose a Digital Media Agency – with 3 Sessions
  • How to Market your Business Locally – with 3 Sessions
  • How to set up your Google Business Listing – with 4 Sessions
  • How to get your customers to recommend your brand to others – with 3 Sessions
  • How to Run Contests for Your Business – with 4 Sessions
  • What you need to know about Yelp – with 3 Sessions
  • How to get more Google and Yelp Reviews – with 4 Sessions
  • How to Implement a Customer Loyalty Program – with 2 Sessions
  • How to Partner with a Local Influencer – with 3 Sessions
  • How to set up a Customer Referral Program – with 3 Sessions
  • How to add subscribers to your email list – with 2 Sessions
  • How to Launch a Mobile app for your small business – with 2 Sessions
  • How to set up and use Google Alerts for your business – with 1 Sessions
  • Using Google for Small Business Marketing – with 4 Sessions
  • Understanding your Competition – with 2 Sessions
  • How to Get Publicity with Press Releases, Influencers & Awards – with 3 Sessions
  • Word of Mouth Advertising – with 2 Sessions
  • Hosting Events and Attending Trade Shows – with 2 Sessions
  • Website and Search Engine Optimization Strategies – with 5 Sessions
  • The importance of Networking – with 7 Sessions

List of Advantages of Training Before Opening a Business

  • Creative freedom and personal satisfaction
  • Learning new business skills
  • Flexibility – technology demands more unique updates and faster systems all the time
  • Utilizing the internet to improve your skills is the ultimate way to climb the success ladder, as the best investment you can make is investing in yourself
  • The business will have a monetary history that gives you a thought of what’s in store and can make it simpler to make sure about credits and pull in speculators.
  • Easy to create business plan and strategy
  • Enhances company reputation and profile
  • Easy On The Pockets – With all these physical copies of books, notes, and professors to handle courses, traditional software training courses demand a very high price for certifications and course completion
  • Developing a Business Skills
  • You can start your own business
  • The Salary Makes sense
  • The troublesome beginning up work has just been finished. The company ought to have plans and methods set up
  • Purchasing a setup business implies prompt income
  • Start your own business
  • Can set the Whole Business

We have prepared a short video of the inside here.  Take note of some of the sections you see, as there more and new ones coming.  And remember you only watch what you are ready for and you only watch what you are interested in.  Sometimes this is nice when reading articles on our website and you might need to understand something in more detail.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.  
Joe Sabah

Don’t be afraid to take a big step. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.  
David Lloyd

GeorgeThe successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn’t like to do.
Thomas Alva Edison

Action may not always bring happiness … but there is no happiness without action.  
Benjamin Disraeli

Additional Bonus Resources

These are some of the bonus resources that will be downloadable that you receive after joining. You will be notified how to pick these up from a specific download location after signing up.

These include Special Reports, ebooks, Ultimate Guides and checklists.  They are usually in pdf format so can be viewed on any device.

1. Building the Perfect Sales Funnel

2. Business Branding

3. Creating Your First eCommerce Website

4. Facebook Marketing Mania

5. Essential Guide to Sales Funnels

6. Newbies Guide to Setting Up a Sales Funnel

7. The Quintessential Guide to Marketing Ads

lead magnet book

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