How to Find Your Perfect Dream Job

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Dream Job on a wooden table

It’s common these days to wake up with a case of Mondays and be miserable in a regular 9-to-5 job, but that’s no way to live.

I don’t want to be expected if being miserable and unhappy is typical. I want to stand apart.

Because the fact is that finding your ideal career and loving what you do for a livelihood is feasible. It’s called living the dream, and it’s something you can do if you’re prepared to put in the effort.

My six-stage method for finding meaningful employment can take you to your dream career. Of course, working through it will require time, persistence, and patience, but if you stick with it, your case of Mondays will be over before you know it.

Are you prepared to go to work?

Finding Your Dream Job in 6 Stages

1. Get a Clear Picture

Woman in office business working on computer

Before taking any further action, you need to figure out what you’re good at, what you enjoy and love doing the most, what kind of outcomes you want to achieve, and where (industry, firm, etc.) you can combine those three elements to perform something that matters to you.

That may seem daunting, so let me break it down for you:

Your innate abilities, skills, and character qualities are all part of what you do best. These should be duties or positions that come naturally to you and others have pointed out to you. Some instances are as follows: I’m a fantastic writer. I have a natural ability to comprehend numbers. I’ve been told I’m a great salesperson.

Any hobbies, jobs, or passions that you look forward to and that help you come alive would be included under what you love to do the most. For example, consider the following scenario: Working with children makes me happy. I feel empowered after assisting someone in resolving a personal issue so that they may regain control of their lives. Time flies while you’re solving complex challenges.

Consider what issues you want to address, what solutions you want to build, and which people groups you want to assist when determining what outcomes to achieve. For example, I like educating young moms (people group) on how to organize their days to get through the first year of parenting (issue) (solution). Because I manage their payroll and bookkeeping, I enjoy it when a small-business entrepreneur (people group) can set aside time to expand their business (issue) (solution).

You’ll need to conduct some research to see where you can fit those three together. Look around (beginning with your zip code) for sectors, organizations, NGOs, and other places where you’d be able to perform employment that combines your most important skills with your passions. That junction, by the way, is what I refer to as your sweet spot.

Get input and validation from three to five individuals who know you and be honest with you once you’ve made a list containing these four items. You’ll know you’re on the right track if others in your life notice your abilities and hobbies as well.

Try my career Assessment Clarity Guide if you need assistance identifying your top abilities, interests, and outcomes. It’s a worksheet that’ll help you figure out who you are so you can accomplish the task you were born to do.

2. Get Qualified

Young brWoman working using computer laptop

You’ll need to get qualified to accomplish the work once you understand what you want to do and where you might be able to do it. It’s possible that you already have the degree and experience required for the job you want-fantastic. You may skip this step and go to stage three.

If that isn’t you, don’t worry. Getting qualified to work in your ideal career isn’t as difficult, dangerous, or expensive as it may appear.

You’ll start by putting your study hat back on. What qualifications are required to complete the task based on the future employment possibilities you discovered? Next, make a list of all the resources you will need for the job, from qualifications to supervised hours.

Then determine the cost of obtaining those certifications. It doesn’t have to be accurate; make an educated guess. Finally, develop a realistic schedule based on your budget for when you believe you’ll cash flow the criteria.

When you’re at this stage, remember that you don’t necessarily need a degree to get hired even if the job description specifies that you need it.

Certain professions demand a college diploma (teacher, doctor, registered nurse, lawyer, engineer, etc.). If you wish to follow one of those degree-required careers, remember that earning a degree does not have to be expensive. Adjust your timetable to match your budget-you should be able to pay for this degree without going into debt-and prioritize community college and state institutions over pricey private and out-of-state universities.

It’s terrific if you discover you can get your desired career with some experience and perhaps a few credentials. If this is the case, there are a few innovative ways to certification to consider:

  • Enroll in an online class or workshop.

  • Look for a boot camp and crash course that you can attend during the nights or weekends.

  • Ask if you may intern or observe someone in the field for a few months.

  • Check out books from the library and listen to podcasts about the subject.

  • Attend a community conference where you may learn new things and meet new people.

You have no justifications. There are several chances to acquire the skills, information, and know-how needed to accomplish the job you want to do in today’s world.

3. Get Started

Making the appropriate contacts will serve as the springboard for finding the ideal stepping-stone opportunity. That is to say, the work you obtain at this point may not be your perfect employment, but it should serve as a stepping stone in the correct path.

While you’re at this stage, make sure your resumé is up to date, so they stand out. According to recent research, a recruiter spends an average of 7.4 seconds on an résumé during an initial screen! That’s insane, people. But that is precisely why you must construct a CV that will catch a recruiter’s eye.

If you have the entrepreneurship bug, now is the time to start the side business you’ve always wanted to do. Launch your website, begin soliciting clients, and get some practice under your belt. These are crucial baby steps that can assist you in starting and growing a business with less debt and risk.

Check out our Get Hired Digital Course for more insights on how to stand out in the recruiting process. It’s an 11-lesson online video course that will offer you the tools and strategies you need to stand out and get closer to your ideal job.

4. Get Promoted

Happy business people and shaking hands

This is a thrilling stage because you can see the effects of your hard work in your current career, which brings you closer to your ideal job.

You’ve won because you did the following:

Know what you’re doing: This isn’t about your title. Knowing your position entails being utterly aware of what your boss wants of you. Settle down with your supervisor and go over your job role in detail, bullet by bullet, to ensure you understand what constitutes success in each area.

Accept your current role: Accepting your current position might be difficult when you have your sights set on a “better” career. However, as we discussed before, it’s critical to see where you are now as a stepping-stone. In addition, you never know how important this job will be in the future. Therefore, concentrate on winning in the current moment and be grateful for the task in front of you.

Make the most of your position: Maximizing refers to the amount of effort you put into your present situation. Going well beyond your work gets you acknowledged by your bosses, coworkers, and consumers. For example, assist a colleague in another area or jump in to complete a large project. Make an opportunity to go above & above instead of waiting for one to present itself.

5. Get Your Dream Job

You’ll ultimately find your dream job as you advance in rank-and let me tell you, it’s a fantastic feeling to look forward to coming to work every day. As soon as you arrive, you are officially “living the dream!”

However, your task is far from done. Growth shouldn’t     b     come to a halt just because you’ve accomplished your goal. Instead, it would help if you continued studying, improving yourself, and advancing in your field by taking on new challenges. Continue to seek methods to broaden your knowledge and improve your skills-and do so until you retire.

6. Give Yourself Away

Businessman on vacation at sea

When was the last occasion someone spent time with you over lunch mentoring you, connecting you to an opportunity, and sharing their experiences? Now is a fantastic opportunity to help someone else by donating your time, abilities, and resources! Help someone rising through the ranks behind you by becoming a mentor and assisting them in landing their ideal career.

It should never be all about you when your work has a purpose. Your gifts have been provided to you to assist others. So, how can you continue to help as many individuals using your skills and passions? When we all live and work like no one else, the world will be a far better place.

Folks, I’m not going to tell you a lie: I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you. It’s not simple to find your dream career, and it won’t happen quickly. But, you must have a strong desire for it and be self-disciplined enough to wake up every day and work for your goals.

But I’m confident you’ve got what it takes. And once you get there, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of doing the task for which you were created. Keep going!

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”  ~ Wayne Gretzky 

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”  ~ Joe Sabah

“Don’t be afraid to take a big step. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.”  ~ David Lloyd George

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There is nothing like having your own online business. You make the decisions, and as one song says, you “win or learn.” However, creating your own company can be tricky, especially if you build from the ground up. There will be constant questions that must be answered, such as:

How will we consistently draw in customers?

How will we stay up with trends?

How will we do all of this and not break the bank?

It quickly becomes obvious that one thing is needed above all else.

Information Is Needed

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Word art CRC Without accurate facts and data, wrong decisions get made. When a fork in the road comes up, a turn can become a dead end.

What is the most common way to find information right now? If you said, “Google it!” you are right.

Unfortunately, Google isn’t an encyclopedia. It is a place where people upload information and sometimes that information isn’t as reliable as we would like it to be.

In fact, some people put false information online to see what effect it might have.

The Importance Of Straight Facts

But if you, as a new business owner, go to Google and receive false answers to your questions, you could lose your business. At the very least, you might lose money, time, or a good reputation.

One Type Of Scam

One of the most damaging falsehoods also known as a scam is the type that asks for people to “invest” in a company. Then, that company will help the person earn unbelievable amounts of money.

Go For Honest, Competent Mentors

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Additional Bonus Resources

Now available for download is our Critical Constructs ebook Library of key resources available for download now, today -immediately.  These are books we produced for various training purposes over the years that we have now made available to you, all free to our readers, members and customers, as our mission is to provide you with the information you need to succeed in achieving your dreams.

You will not need all of these today, as you will most likely only need the ones related to the business model you decide on but you will have these handy should you need to use them to research specific areas that you need to understand.   So we don’t expect everyone to need these items all at once but it is important to have the library handy and available as you need it.

The following books are in the library as of this writing but we are adding more all the time so there may even be some new ones that you may not be listed here.

These are some of the bonus resources that will be downloadable that you receive after joining. You will be notified how to pick these up from a specific download location after signing up.

These include Special Reports, ebooks, Ultimate Guides, and checklists. They are usually in pdf format so that they can be viewed on any device.

  • Building the Perfect Sales Funnel
  • Business Branding
  • Creating Your First eCommerce Website
  • Facebook Marketing Mania
  • Essential Guide to Sales Funnels
  • Newbies Guide to Setting Up a Sales Funnel
  • The Quintessential Guide to Marketing Ads
  • 21 Income Streams
  • 99 New Small Business Ideas
  • 220 Success Principles

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