Nine steps you can follow as you try to Relaunch your career

Nine steps you can follow as you try to Relaunch your career

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gain experience in other work


Although we live in turbulent times, where the pandemic of the coronavirus monopolizes everything and causes millions of people to lose their jobs every day or that large companies in the world go bankrupt due to lack of liquidity and not having defined expectations for the future, there is still a small group of dreamers who do not give up: They are the entrepreneurs, the engine of the industry that keeps growing and that every year adds more and more followers who believe that being your boss or start earning money from a side hustle is also a successful alternative.

Home confinements, extreme security measures in practically the whole world, the economic crisis that has caused millions of people all over the world to become unemployed or have seen their working days reduced by half due to lack of activity, are some of the many reasons that have caused the increase in demand for side jobs that are suitable to be done from home: YouTube tutorials, keeping the accounts of a small company or a self-employed person, being a craftsman, etc.

The coronavirus crisis has put the imagination at the service of humanity, boosting the search for quick solutions that allow us to increase our weekly income without having to invest too much effort or money in it. Fortunately, the pandemic that has come to change our lives has done so at a time when technology is very advanced, being able to perform almost any side job through a computer with an Internet connection.


However, is any type of side hustle valid to start earning money quickly from home? Unfortunately not, because if so millions of people would have already chosen to leave their main job and start living on the income provided by the little hobby that they do from the terrace of their house having an iced coffee. Not all the jobs that can be done through a computer will provide us with income, let alone allow us to live better thanks to their benefits. You have to know what kind of side jobs are profitable and which are not, and that is precisely what we will do through this article.

Steve Jobs’ work partner, eBay creator Pierre Omidyar or Henry Ford are some of the most significant examples of this type of small-scale entrepreneurship, starting their career within a large company that provided them with security and a promising working future, while they ventured to take their first steps in other types of smaller projects slowly but surely. The only disadvantage of this type of project? Time. When you combine two work activities, the time is reduced by half, and therefore, the results you will get from each of your projects will be longer in time.

MacBook Pro near white open book

If you are looking for quick solutions for your life that allow you to give a break to your economy and start living in a more relaxed way, without being all day thinking about whether the money you earn in your job will be enough to pay all the bills, while you gain experience in other work sectors that in the not too distant future could be of great help, read on because you are in the right place.

Below we will explain four examples of successful side jobs with which you could put into practice what we have explained in the introduction of the article: increase your monthly income without having to give up your current job and from the comfort of your home. Because it is precisely in times of greatest need when human ingenuity finds its best version, we are in the time of the brave. Are you going to miss it?

Let’s get started!

4 successful side hustle ideas for pandemic times!

#1. Online tutoring

person holding pencil near laptop computer

What has been one of the things that have suffered the most since the pandemic and is still difficult to do today? Education. Education as we knew it is disappearing, and although the coronavirus has brought forward many things that would surely have happened in later generations due to the unstoppable advance of technology in the world of education, the use of computer resources to study is a must for any student today, whether a child, teenager or a qualified teacher.

However, although computers have helped a lot during home confinements, especially to be able to see our friends and family through video calls, there are still many people who have not been able to take advantage of all the benefits offered by the Internet to study from a distance, or in our case to become private tutors from home to help others to strengthen their studies while protecting themselves from viruses and comply with the required security measures.

Do you have higher education, do you consider yourself a smart enough person in certain subjects or are you a part-time teacher who needs to increase your income to be able to pay the rent of your house? Then you should bet on a side hustle of online tutoring, in which you can become the tutor of whoever you want through your computer and your webcam. An alternative job that in recent years has not stopped growing and that can generate a monthly income of over 1000 dollars. The key to achieving it? Perseverance and knowing how to choose each online client well.

Become a successful private tutor on YouTube

If you are an open, spontaneous person who is not afraid to show yourself talking in front of a camera, you should try to take your first steps in online tutoring through YouTube, the most famous online multimedia content platform of the last decade and accessed by students of all ages from all over the world. Did you know that more than half of university or high school students admit to looking for a video explaining their subjects to better prepare for exams?


The reason why they prefer to have someone explain the math lesson to them through a video and not in person during the traditional class is very simple: in the video, the contents are usually better structured, you can watch it as many times as you want, repeat the most complicated parts and the images and music that usually accompany each lesson are infinitely more enjoyable than the monologue of our teacher. This is the reason why millions of people, especially young people or adults under 50 years of age, have embarked on the adventure of creating their own online teaching channel and be the teacher of millions of people at the same time.

The only drawback of this type of distance learning? The number of hours you will need to invest to create each video and how difficult it will be at first to reach a wider audience. Ten years ago when Facebook and Youtube started to work there were hardly any people who were dedicated to filling the platforms with videos, which made them grow very fast and become very famous in a very short time and with little effort. Now all that has changed, the consumption of these social networks has become massive and the number of activated users trying to become famous has also increased, so the competition to stand out is and will be huge.

Does that mean it’s impossible to make money from YouTube these days? No, you will simply have to try harder and be a bit more patient. In addition, there is also the possibility of linking your channel and your videos with other social networks like Instagram, which will allow you to make very useful small advertising campaigns that will make you increase your popularity in a short time. It’s all a matter of planning and consistency, that’s all.

Some of the YouTube channels about online tutoring help students prepare for important exams such as the university entrance exam, the compulsory secondary education certificate, or official language exams, among others. If you decide to go for any of these topics, you will surely become popular in no time, so don’t hesitate to give it a try and make the most of all your knowledge!

Private tutor

Do you consider yourself an old-school teacher? You have no idea how to manage social networks and much less how to edit videos on the internet? Are you looking for an alternative way to have your own students remotely without having to be connected to any social network? Don’t worry because it is also possible, millions of people have become virtual teachers from their homes and have made teaching one of the most profitable side hustles of the moment.

To do this you will only need a computer with an internet connection and an integrated webcam of medium quality, a good resume where you make clear your specialties in teaching, the age of the students you are looking for, the number of hours per day you can offer to teach and your fees (which can be fixed or negotiable). Once you have all this clear, the next thing you can do is to opt for two ways to find students: word of mouth, ie, go talking to people you know and let them know your intention to teach so that they inform other parents or interested students, or register in one of the many portals of school reinforcement open on the Internet.

While it is true, at the beginning of starting to give classes you will not find it easy and you may feel a little self-conscious for not being familiar with the format, nor with the students, but nothing that can not be improved with the passage of time and practice. On the other hand, the fees for online teachers are not exactly very high (at the beginning), so do not be discouraged if during your first months in this side hustle you do not get to earn the amount of money you wanted.

When it comes to working in a side hustle, especially at the beginning when we do not have much experience, money is not exactly the most positive aspect. It is necessary to be constant and not stop looking for new contacts that allow us to increase our rates (as long as we are good teachers and our students allow us to share their recommendations publicly). There are many known success stories in which the teacher started earning 10 dollars per hour of class during his first year and the following year he managed to double or even triple his earnings by working in prestigious online teaching agencies.

Teaching is an essential right that the pandemic has endangered in many parts of the world, especially among those families with fewer resources who have not been able to access the Internet to continue their education at a distance, so betting on becoming a part-time teacher as your successful side hustle will always be a good idea. Since you will not only be benefiting yourself economically, but you will be helping other people to continue their education and become more educated and with a great number of opportunities for their future career.

What could be nicer than that? Bet on teaching as your main side hustle and start earning extra money every month doing what you like the most: teaching and helping others to acquire more knowledge.

Become the accountant of a company or take over the accounts of a small businessman!

Were you always good at mathematics? Did you do calculus homework for all your friends in exchange for movie tickets or just for friendship? Did you graduate with a degree in economics but never got to work as an economist because life took you in other directions? Have you been retired from your permanent position as an accountant for a year but you feel like earning a little extra money from home to be more relaxed every month? If you find yourself in any of these cases, you are in luck because being an accountant is the second-best paid side hustle nowadays and you will be able to earn easy money in just a few months.

Did you know that an accountant can earn an average of $24 per hour? According to statistics published by the Bureau of Wage Statistics, a self-employed accountant can start out earning around $18 an hour and quickly reach a higher rate after several jobs that have given him or her more experience and credibility with other potential clients of greater importance. This makes this side hustle a great work alternative, especially if we are unemployed or have many free hours a day to invest in it since with only five hours of efficient work a day we can double our monthly income in a comfortable and simple way.

You don’t need to have an official qualification to prove your competences

Although the accounting position in a company is really important and it may seem that only highly qualified people with a diploma under their arm can do it, the reality is that the Internet has made it so that it is no longer necessary to present all our credentials to win a good job keeping the accounts of others; you just need to know how to do it and prove it.

And how can I get a remote job doing other people’s accounting without having a degree to prove it? Through the internet and its many freelance work platforms that offers thousands of job opportunities every day for people who want to start earning money on their own from anywhere on the planet. The most famous platforms of the moment and with which you will surely find some interesting job opportunities are Fiverr and Upwork, among many others.

To register among its long list of users you will only have to enter your personal data (nothing compromising, they only do it to check that you are a natural person and resident in a country), choose the themes of work in which you are interested and your fixed or variable fees. On the other hand, they will also ask you to add an official resume so that the companies can check it and see carefully all your training (if you have any), otherwise you can simply add all your previous work experiences and some references from other clients who were satisfied with you.

It is not that it is necessary to add an official document that proves everything you have done, but for future hiring, companies like to see that a candidate has taken some trouble to present himself as a professional, regardless of what your training or experience is. Including your photo will also earn you points, as it will add credibility to your entire profile and will make anyone feel more confident about contacting someone they can put a face to.

Don’t forget, investing time in your presentation will always increase your chances of success later on. Especially if you are trying to find a job remotely where there is no possibility of conducting an interview in person. Bet on your skills and show them to the world in a smart way, that’s all.

You can take a quick accounting course online

Do you want to start your accounting side hustle with all the guarantees of success? Have you always been good at doing the accounts and math was no problem for you when you were a student, but in the end, you moved on to something else? Then you might consider taking an accredited online accounting course or the short classroom courses currently offered by the American Institute of Professional Accountants.

Both are very simple, low-cost training courses that will give you an essential knowledge base for your new job as a freelance accountant. So if you really want to learn the keys to this job, signing up for one of these courses will serve to increase your level and will be a new title to add to your resume, greatly increasing your chances of finding work quickly.

Become a resume writer and help others improve their chances of success!

Have you always been good at writing? Were you the best in your class at writing papers and your classmates always asked you to help them improve their papers before submitting them to the professor? Then you are interested in the side hustle of resume writing, writing other people’s work experiences can make you immensely rich in a few months!

Knowing how to write is a gift and as such not everyone can have it, which means that those people who are born with the innate ability to know how to correctly order words on paper have the opportunity to make a living from it, and also from their homes and without having any boss to boss them around or bother them during all their working days.

CVs are essential and we all end up needing one when we become adults, no matter what we do for a living: without a well-written CV no one will bother to interview us or call us to find out more about us. That’s why starting to work as a resume writer can open many doors and double your monthly income in just a few weeks

Sign up for freelance job portals

To start earning money as a resume writer you will have to follow the same steps as with the previous point that we have explained, register in one of the many freelance work platforms that are on the Internet, enter all your credentials, and start looking for potential clients who might be interested in your profile.

However, unlike working as an accountant, to prove the quality of your writing and so that all companies or individuals can quickly check that what it says in your profile is true, it is recommended to upload some previous work where your writing skills can be appreciated: CV’s, journalism articles or even your personal blog post. This will give clients a more realistic view of your work and they will contact you more quickly. So now you know, if you have saved your old work on your computer or you are the owner of an online content column, upload it to the system. It will be a great help to you.

Leverage your work as a journalist to find your own clients

Do you already have a part-time job at a publishing house or a local newspaper where you write all kinds of texts? Take advantage of your experience and contacts to find new clients on your own and start earning more money by working on your own and helping them improve their CVs or online profiles. There is no better proof for someone to hire you than to be working every day for a newspaper and that your bosses are delighted with you: take advantage of your position and start creating your own portfolio of secondary clients.

For example, Linkedin is one of the most prestigious job search platforms for professionals today, everyone who creates an online resume through this platform has a much better chance of getting a job in a good company. Now, does everyone know how to create a good resume so that it is effective and catches the attention of companies? No, and that’s where your work begins. Working as a resume writer also means improving the online profiles of thousands of active workers who have no idea how to present themselves in the working world.

Being a resume writer can become the best decision of your life, as long as you know how to choose your clients and your skills as a writer are really good. According to several studies, the best resume writers of the moment are able to earn up to 550 dollars a day, which would triple the monthly income you had so far in your writing position. It’s worth a try, don’t you think?

Virtual Assistant

Are you good at everything that has to do with business administration and management, online marketing, and online content creation for companies and individuals looking to improve their profits and expand their personal brand? Then don’t hesitate any longer and become a virtual assistant, you will start earning a lot of money from home doing something you are really passionate about.

We live in the digital era and more and more people decide to create their own business with the help of social networks, however, not everyone knows how to manage a brand, or understand the operation of a marketing strategy. If you have experience in this sector, you are already dedicated to it and want to start earning more money on your own, do not hesitate to start looking for job offers on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, there are thousands every day and very well paid.

According to data that Upwork itself has shared publicly, a prestigious virtual assistant who has been working for several years can earn up to $55 per hour. It is a good business that will make you earn a lot of money easily, try it!

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