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The Infinity Project – A Scam By Aidan Booth And Steve Clayton?

(30 votes average – 4.2 average out of 5)


Ashley Wells
Ashley worked in content marketing and business opportunities- internet marketing.
Ashley Wells
Ashley Wells
Ashley worked in content marketing and business opportunities- internet marketing.

Welcome to my The Infinity Project review.

If you’re worried that Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton might have some tricks in their sleeves and if you’re not sure whether The Infinity Project is a scam or legit, you have come to the right place.

In this review, I’m going to help you to get the answers to the following questions:

  • What Is The Infinity Project About?
  • How Does It Work?
  • Who Are Aidan and Steve?
  • What Do You Get Inside?
  • How Much Does It Cost?
  • Is The Infinity Project a Scam or Legit?

And more! So make sure to tune out from all other reviews and keep reading this one.

The Infinity Project Review – Overview

  • Product Type: Affiliate Marketing
  • Product Owner: Aidan Booth And Steve Clayton
  • Product Price: $1497 One Time Or $597Three Times
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 30 Days
  • Recommended?: Not really…

Quick Summary:

The Infinity Project is a legitimate eight-week training course that helps people to start an affiliate marketing business. Steve and Aidan offer a lot of content, resources, and help with this course, which puts it in the sphere of recommended courses as well.
However, the reason why I don’t recommend this course 100% is that it just costs too much.

In my opinion, Steve and Aidan overpriced The Infinity Project. You can find a lot less expensive courses that bring the same if the not even greater value to the table.

To discover one such course, click the button below!

What Is The Infinity Project?

The Infinity Project is an online marketing program created by Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton that focuses on making money through affiliate marketing.
The course contains eight weeks of training where you can learn how to build an email list and make money promoting online products.

These eight weeks of training contain about 100+ training videos where Aidan and Steve are going to walk you through the entire process step-by-step.

The main idea behind The Infinity Project course is to show you how to choose a profitable niche and find products in that same niche that are proven to sell. Then, they show how to create a funnel and drive traffic to make sales.

As shown on the sales page, Aidan and Steve are allegedly achieving massive success using the same system to sell products from ClickBank where you can find their course as well.

So is this course as good as they say? Can you really just copy and paste the proven system to make money? Or could it be that Steve’s and Aidan’s course is a scam?

To find out the truth, let’s jump to the next section of The Infinity Project review to meet the owner. Shall we?

Who Owns The Infinity Project?

Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton are two brains behind The Infinity Project as well as a few other courses that work on almost the same principle. One might say that these guys focus a lot on product creation.
According to my research, Steve and Aidan have been making money online for over 15 years. During this time, they have their ups and downs. However, they’ve managed to swim up and today, they’re doing extremely well online.

Over the years, both Steven and Aidan have gathered a lot of knowledge in all areas of affiliate marketing such as paid traffic generation (Google Ads), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and creating funnels.

Today, they share everything they know within The Infinity Project course.

However, like many other online”gurus” out there, the duo has found the most success in product creation, not affiliate marketing. In other words, they focus on creating and selling their own products.

So this raises the question. Are they good enough to show you how to make money with affiliate marketing? Moreover, is this course going to work for you? Or is it a scam after all?

To get the answers to those questions, we will have to see how this system works in the next part of The Infinity Project review. Let’s keep it moving, shall we?

How Does The Infinity Project Work?

The essence of the Infinity Project course is to teach you how to sell products online by creating funnels.
If you’re familiar with affiliate marketing, then you know that the idea is to find hot products, create campaigns, drive traffic, and ultimately, make some money.

So to help you achieve this, Steve and Aidan have designed about 100 video lessons where they walk you through the process step-by-step. The key to success is to follow all these lessons diligently.

But you see, there’s one thing that I really don’t like about the Infinity Project.

If you take a look at the sales page, you’ll notice that the owners promise fast results and fast cash. Of course, they justify this by saying that you need to master:

  • Focus
  • Attitude
  • Visualization

As much as I’m a firm believer that success is 80 mindset and 20 skills, there’s no way that you can get quick, easy, and fast results just by having a correct mindset. Success is a marathon, not a sprint.

That said, let’s take a look at how the Infinity Project works. Here’s the breakdown of the steps:

STEP 1: Choose Your Niche And Product

First, you need to choose a niche that you’re interested in. It could be related to a current business you run or a hobby you’ve always wanted to build a business around – for instance golf, nutrition, cycling, gardening, etc.

Secondly, choose a hot-selling product to promote for commissions. Inside the Infinity Project course, you’ll learn how to find these products on ClickBank.

STEP 2: Build A High-Converting “Impulse” Page

An Impulse Page is a page that will turn traffic into ‘leads’. In other words, it’s the fancy way for a landing page, which is a part of a sales system that your visitors will see first.
This page is fast and easy to set up but must be structured in a particular way so that it provokes curiosity and desire to learn more and thus, sign up with their email address.

A good thing about the Infinity Project is that you will get access to a few DFY pages which you can use for your own campaigns.

STEP 3: Implement The Targeted Traffic Plan

You will focus on highly targeted free and/or cheap paid traffic to generate leads, and send those leads to your hot-selling product to start to generate commissions.
If you’re going to focus on free traffic, you’ll have to wait a few months to get results. However, if you want the results faster, you’ll have to go with a paid version. This is a bit riskier but could yield faster results.

And that’s it! That’s how the Infinity Project works. Now let’s jump to the next section of The Infinity Project review where I’ll reveal what is included with this system.

What You Get With The Infinity Project Training Program

The main feature of the Infinity Project is the eight-week training program that contains 100 video lessons where you can learn how to accomplish those three steps from the above.

In addition to the training program, you get:

The Execution Plans – Step-By-Step Manuals & Mindmaps

You’ll get 100 step-by-step videos and the Execution Plans manuals and mindmaps that are designed to help you to implement every step from the training making sure you don’t miss anything.
These fully mapped out execution plans to ensure you follow and implement each key step, and run through every one of the action steps for each module one at a time so that you progress successfully.

In my opinion, this is a valuable addition to the Infinity Project video course.

Done-For-You Niches

This feature of the Infinity Project is called DFY Niches and it contains a set of done-for-you Impuls (landing) pages and lead magnets ready to go for 9 different niches.
Basically, this feature removes the guesswork and helps you to get started fast. However, since all members are going to get the same pages, this means that you’ll be working with a lot of duplicated content.

Done-For-You Funnels

Another feature of The Infinity Project that helps you to get started as fast as possible is DFY funnels. The creators say that this is literally a “plug and play” system.
All you have to do is pick your favorite funnel, plug in your affiliate links, autoresponder, and traffic and you’re ready to make money online. Each funnel is predesigned and prewritten to maximize your efforts.

However, once again, each member gets access to the same 9 funnels, which means that you’ll be working with duplicated content.

The Traffic Blueprints
The most critical section of the Infinity Project program is the traffic blueprint feature. This section of the training is where Steve and Aidan are going to show how to get targeted traffic to your funnels.

This part of the training contains instructions on how to get traffic in a step-by-step manner. You’ll get to learn how to attract free traffic and how to get paid traffic as well.

These videos cover almost all traffic getting channels available:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Google
  • and secret private resource

Phase X – Special Strategies To Boost Your Income

This section, called Phase X is where Steve and Aidan reveal a series of techniques you can use to double, triple, and quadruple your income, so they say.

In this section, if the Infinity Project will share a step-by-step system they use to generate up to $5000 a day.

Support & Coaching – The Private Help-Desk & Forum

I always like to see the support and coaching available. If you have any problems along the way, you’ll get access to a team of 7-figure earners that will be there to help you with whatever questions you might have.

In other words, you’ll get access to The Infinity Project private Facebook group where you can chat with other members and ask questions.

The 60-Day “Super-Seller” Challenge

According to Aidan and Steve, the 60-DAy “Super-Seller” Challenge is designed to:

Encourage action
Build momentum
Force You To The Finish Line
They will share a few cash prizes with students who take action and get results in the first 60 days. After the 60 days, there will still be 90-day and 120-day stretch goals with additional cash prizes too.

Everyone who takes part and makes at least $1 in revenue gets a certificate in the mail. And with each new milestone you hit, you get another certificate.

Here’s the breakdown:

Certificate of Completion – Make at least $1 in revenue in the first 60 days.
Gold Certificate Of Completion – This is awarded when you hit a run-rate of $500/day revenue in the next 60 days.
The Platinum Certificate Of Completion – Awarded once you’ve hit a run-rate of $1000/day revenue.
And that’s what you’re going to get if you ever join this program. Speaking of which, let’s take a look at the following section of The Infinity Project review to see how much this program could cost you.

The Infinity Project Price

As shown on the sales page, there are two variations available. Here’s the breakdown of the price:

$1497 one time payment
$597 three separate payments

Now, a lot of you folks out there will instantly get rejected as soon as you see the price of The Infinity Project. And I don’t blame you at all. I’m instantly rejected too!

See, even though you’re getting a lot of training and extra resources for your cash, I’m not sure that this course is worth that much.

For example, with Wealthy Affiliate, you get 120 training lessons and all the tools and resources that you can imagine for only $49 per month. In my opinion, WA is the best option for starting an affiliate marketing business.

A piece of good news about The Infinity Project course is that you can get a refund during the first 30 days.

However, according to my research, you’ll have to take action and implement the course before you can apply to receive a refund.

What I Like About The Infinity Project

  • 100 Step-By-Step Video Lessons
  • DFY Landing Pages and Funnels
  • Shows How To Get Both Free And Paid Traffic
  • Owners Are Real People
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

What I Don’t Like About This Offer

  • Creators Promise Fast And Easy Results
  • DFY Pages And Funnels Are Not The Best Ideas
  • Lack Of Student Testimonials
  • Way Too Expensive Program Not Suitable For Beginners

Is The Infinity Project a Scam?

So, there’s one final question left in this review to answer before you make your own decision. Is The Infinity Project a scam or a legitimate offer for starting an affiliate marketing business?

After considering everything, my final verdict is, no, The Infinity Project is not a scam.

I’ve reviewed a lot of courses and systems out there, including some of the biggest names such as Wealthy Affiliate, Savage Affiliates, or Affiliate Institute, so I know how a legitimate training program looks like.

Steve and Aidan provide a lot of value and their Infinity Project course is 100% legitimate.

However, I do mind that they promise fast and easy results. These claims are based on the premise that they give you DFY pages and funnels, which means less work for you, however, this is a bit too bold a promise in my opinion.

Another thing that I want to mention is the price of the Infinity Project.

I feel like they’re ripping you off honestly! $1,5K for a set of video lessons and DFY funnels is TOO MUCH!

I’ve seen courses where you get all the tools, hosting, resources, coaching, and video training for three times less money.

Nonetheless, The Infinity Project is not a scam. You can even get a refund, which is always an encouraging fact,

Do I Recommend This Course?

It looks like I lied in the previous section of my review. There’s one more question I have to answer before I conclude The Infinity Project review. And that is, do I recommend this course?

You’ll notice that I always recommend legitimate courses for starting with affiliate marketing, eCommerce, blogging, etc. Basically, if I find a legit course that could help you to make money online, I’ll almost always end up recommending it.

That said, I would recommend The Infinity Project too.

However, I don’t want you to spend $1.500 on material that you can get for only $49 per month!

The Infinity Course Less Expensive Alternative!

My #1 recommended course out of 300+ courses that I’ve reviewed on this blog is Wealthy Affiliate.

I find it to be a PERFECT alternative to The Infinity Course. In fact, you’ll discover that Wealthy Affiliate is a much better option for many reasons, not just because it’s less expensive.

See, with Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll get everything you NEED to start a successful affiliate marketing business.

Moreover, you can join WA for free and pay $49 later to get full access to the platform.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the features included:

  • 120 step-by-step video lessons
  • website builder
  • web hosting
  • domain name
  • keyword research tool
  • affiliate programs research tool
  • content writing platform
  • live chat and tech support
  • access to owners
  • private mentoring
  • And much more!

So, if you feel that The Infinity Project is too expensive, you can get the same, and even better deal over at Wealthy Affiliate.

Final Words and Recommendations

In the end, it turned out that The Infinity Project is not a scam after all. I found a legitimate and comprehensive training course that could help to start making money with affiliate marketing.

Steve and Aidan are two legitimate marketers who have a ton of experience which they have poured in 100 lessons of the training program. If you don’t like the material, Steve and Aidan promise to give you your money back.

Thanks for reading The Infinity Project review. I hope my review was helpful enough. And if you still have questions about this course, feel free to reach out in the comments section below.

And while you’re here…

Click the button below to learn how I managed to go from serving tables in a restaurant to earning a consistent passive income online with affiliate marketing!

Click the link below in order to find out more about how you can start this journey to
self-employment in the digital era!

Crucialconstructs.com is proud to be working with our joint venture partner John Cresanti, and Pendragon Labs LLC on their program The Super Affiliate System. We are an affiliate and will receive compensation – at no cost to you – on any purchases of the product. Please see our Disclosure page with its link above. This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

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EARNINGS CLAIM STATEMENT: Pendragon Labs LLC. (aka The Super Affiliate System) is a company dedicated to helping people achieve their self-education, and self-employment goals. We provide quality online training programs to people who seek freedom of time, and freedom of location.This statement is available online through the link here. INCOME DISCLAIMER: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. imjetset.com makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavour, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered “for entertainment purposes only”. Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions…. REFUND POLICY: The public price of The Super Affiliate System online video training course is $4985. Pendragon Labs LLC. complies with the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (full document, backup) in the warranty (aka Refund Policy) that it offers consumers of its product/s. The full text of the refund policy is available online by clicking here.

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