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Top-performing Human Resources team members and Assistant Managers from Dynamic Edge Consulting attended a three-day business training conference in Los Angeles. Discussion topics varied from best practices in coaching conversations, to setting smart goals, and priority management training. Other highlights from the conference included dinner at Sushi-Roku in Santa Monica and Gladstones in Malibu.
Are you looking for guidance on how to properly grow your business and you need a marketing 101 crash course (Dynamic Edge Consulting)? Today is your lucky day! In this video, I’m giving away marketing tips for small business owners.
Choosing what kind of business to start can be an immobilizing task when confronted with a multitude of opportunities. It’s important to determine where your passions lie and to understand your personality type. Yet, equally important is what skills you bring to the table and whether you are entering a dying industry or a fast-growing emerging business.
For any start-ups, a business plan allows you to gain a better understanding of your industry structure, competitive landscape, and the capital requirements of starting a small business. A study mentioned in “Business Plans For Dummies” by Paul Tiffany states that companies with a business plan have 50% more profits and revenue than non-planning businesses.
To start a business, you must invest in the business. The journey of finding start-up funds will be different for each individual. Some start-ups such as consulting require a few thousand to get a website and business cards whereas a retail store could need $100,000 or more.
What’s in a business name? Everything and nothing. The right business name will help distinguish you from a sea of bland competitors, provide your customers with a reason to hire you and aid in the branding of your company. Learn what you need to know to find a name for your business.
Deciding on the structure of your business is not a decision to be taken lightly. Whether you choose the popular LLC, a sole proprietorship, or form a corporation; your choice will have an impact on your business liability, fund-ability as well as taxes due. Don’t fret over your ultimate business structure, because as your business evolves, so too, may your structure.
Starting a small business requires the mundane, yet necessary, paperwork and regulations. Depending on your chosen business structure, may need to register your business with the state authorities. Setting up your small business may require an employer identification number (EIN) which is also used by state taxing authorities to identify businesses. Additional paperwork can entail sales tax licenses, zoning permits, and more.
One of the multitudes of tasks in starting a business is the setting up of your office. There are many steps in office set up including where to locate your office (home or office space), buying the necessary office equipment, designing your workspace, and getting supplies.
As a new small business owner, you have the responsibility to manage the risks associated with your business. Don’t put your new start-up at risk without getting the proper small business insurance to protect your company in the event of disaster or litigation.
Unless you’re a number person, the accounting and bookkeeping aspect of running your business can’t be avoided. Setting up your accounting will help you understand the financials of running a business and help you avert failure.
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“Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast.” – Tom Peters
“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be.” – John Wooden
“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” – Ken Robinson
“If you don’t try at anything, you can’t fail. It takes backbone to lead the life you want.” – Richard Yates
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