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It may have been a few months since Into The Gloss released their Top 25 Products of the year list, but let’s start 2018 off with the best bits of 2017! Reviewing five of their top-ranking products that already featured in my makeup collection.
The best beauty products of the decade. These are game-changers that reshaped beauty for good.
“For those who don’t know, Jones Road is the latest makeup venture from Bobbi Brown (the person, not the brand). Bobbi Brown (the brand, not the person) has been owned by Estée Lauder since 1995, but when Brown started it four years prior, it was pretty revolutionary. In Brown’s own words, as per her Top Shelf: “At that point, no one had done a great collection of edited, natural-looking makeup.” With her new line, Brown breathes new life into the exact same idea—let’s talk about these Face Sticks. They’re basically concealer pencils, which has certainly been done.
“My decades-long war with sleep took a turn for the worse this month—I got a puppy. And while my little guy is the cutest, most-lovable, snuggliest fur ball on the planet, he is also a very young puppy, which means I can expect one to four sleep-interrupting cries on any given night. And since it’s already a Herculean task for me to fall asleep on a good night, the late-night squeals have shrunk my average sleep time to a sad few hours. To give me a little relief I’ve returned to an old favorite, The Nue Co’s Magnesium Ease spray, which The Nue Co’s founder once described to me as an aid for a ‘yummy sleep.’ It doesn’t put me to sleep like magic, but it calms my 2 AM brain down so I can get to a place where I can get (Into The Gloss) back to sleep faster.
“As big of a blow to my ego as this may be, every once in a while I have to admit that I don’t always know best. Particularly when I’m alone in my bathroom, standing mere centimeters from the mirror, within arms reach of literally hundreds of beauty products. Part of this, I think, is because it’s always easier to take someone else’s advice than it is to take your own. It’s also one of the hazards of the job: When you’re trying upwards of three new products per week, breakouts happen. I spend my days thinking about beauty. Read more. Click here!
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