Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 5 Rules for success

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 5 Rules for success

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Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American actor, businessman, retired professional bodybuilder, and former politician who served as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 to 2011. As of 2021, he is the most recent Republican governor of California.


I actually always had five rules you don’t need to be a bodybuilding champion you either need to want to be a Governor of California or to be an action here or anything like that if you want to excel in whatever you do those rules are for you.

1trust yourselfst Rule is found your vision and follows it you see, I think it’s the most important thing that we have a very clear vision of where we go a goal where do we go because you can have the best ship in the world you can have the best cruise liner but if the captain does not know where to go that ship will drift around the world and out there that sea and we’ll never end up anywhere and this is exactly the way it is in real life if you don’t have a core if you don’t have a vision you just drift around and you’re not gonna be happy this is why it is so important to have that vision now I created that vision in Austria because I grew up after the Second World War Austria right along with Germany lost the Second World War there was of course depression there was a terrible economic situation there was a famine there was starvation and all of those things and also it was kind of a little place and narrow. 

Life is short2nd Rule is never ever think small the biggest challenge most people have is because they think small and the reason why people think small and why did you choose small little goals is because they’re afraid to fail they know that if you shoot for a big goal then the chances of failing are very high and they’re afraid of failing is one of the most common things why people are frozen it by the kid not make a move in life because they’re scared of failing I say to myself hey I’m not worried about failing because that’s part of life you’re not gonna be going win everything and how far can you fall look at this this is the ground that’s as far as I can fall and you know something that the only time you really consider the failure is if you fall and you don’t get up but if you get up you’re never considered a failure so I never considered myself a failure, I always consider myself a winner even though AFL every so often but I always got up and I always move forward this is the important thing I never had any patients of course force me thinking small because in German we were saying ven Chung tension and that means that if it was something then go all out and do it well and this is not just the case in bodybuilding.

dont be afraid3rd Rule ignores the naysayers I think it is natural that when you have the big vision and big dreams and you have big cores that people are gonna say around you I don’t think it can be done I think it’s impossible I mean it started right away when I was 15 and that became a bodybuilder right and if that happened I said I want to be a world champion in bodybuilding I want to be me. the universe immediately said are you crazy and then when I wanted to go into show business after I won 13 World Championship titles in bodybuilding I said I want to be like reg Park I want to be a Hercules. I want to get into movies well I tell you when I met those agents and managers and studio executives their reaction was oh that is so funny you want to be what a leading man oh come on I mean look first of all let’s start with your body look at your body. 

ignorance4th Rule is to work your ass off you never want to fail because you didn’t work hard enough it doesn’t matter in what area you need no pain no gain listen man I came to the United States I remember that I trained five hours a day every day and I was managing a construction business that was a bricklayer and I went to college also and I took acting classes from eight o’clock at nights to 12 o’clock midnight all of that in one day every day I did that I did not worry about it I knew that at 24 hours and I didn’t want to waste one single hour because I believed of what Ted Turner said who is one of the great entrepreneurs who start at CNN and so on he said early to bed to rise work like hell and advertise so that’s what I believe just remember you can’t climb that ladder of success with your hands in your pockets you must work your ass off it’s that simple my

5tgive back somethingh Rule last rule is don’t just take give something back here down that mirror that makes you always look at yourself and you will be able to look beyond that mirror and you will see the millions and millions of people that need your help and I saw those millions and millions of people and this is why I tried to take every opportunity that I could to give something back I started training Special Olympians I started after-school programs for the most vulnerable children for inner-city children to make them be able to say no to drugs no to gangs and no to violence we all can create change whether it is now neighborhood or in our local schools because the bottom line is it is up to us have a vision think big ignore the naysayers work your ass off and give back and change the world.

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The Six Figure Success Academy Review: What is Six Figure Success Academy?

In a nutshell, Six Figure Success Academy (SFSA) is a program that shows you how to leverage webinars to make money online. Ty Cohen and Mike Balmaceda are the creators of SFSA. They have spent countless hours perfecting this product just for you.

Do you ever dream of working beyond your cubicle? Working anytime and anywhere? What about making money while you sleep? SFSA is designed to do just that. If you don’t make money, Six Figure Success Academy promises to give you a full refund and double your money back, be sure to check the fine print on how to qualify.

How do you make money with this course?

The business model for Six-Figure Success Academy is quite simple:

– Step 1: Find someone who has an online course, there are literally hundreds if not thousands out there.
– Step 2: Partner with course instructors.
– Step 3: Promote course products to buyers with SFSA’s state of the art webinar template.
– Step 4: You make a commission by helping course instructors reach new buyers that they never knew existed in the range of $250-$500 per sale.

But wait a minute? Isn’t Six Figure Success Academy just another course on affiliate marketing?

I’m not going to beat around the bush. At its core, yes. The interesting pivot or spin if you will, is that you will be partnering with course instructors to promote their online education products. Based on research, in 2017, the online education market was $159 billion, by 2023, it will balloon up to $286 billion. Wouldn’t you want a piece of that pie now? And watch it grow even bigger in the future?

The beauty is that you can partner with multiple instructors and promote various products. Wouldn’t it be nice to see multiple $250-$500 transactions coming into your bank account? Even while you sleep?

Who is the targeted audience for Six-Figure Success Academy?

There are 2 audiences that SFSA targets. Primarily it is targeted to beginners who have little to no experience in digital marketing. The template, scripts, and systems are set up to be fool-proof and easy to use along with step-by-step instructions. Intermediate or advanced users may find this frustrating because it might move too slow for them.

A secondary audience that SFSA focuses on are marketers who have small successes in digital or affiliate marketing ranging from $500-$1,000 per month in profits. If your online business is stagnant, SFSA can help take you to the next level of success in your journey to financial freedom.

What will I learn from Six Figure Success Academy?

Six-Figure Success Academy is broken down into 6 weeks:

– Week 1: Crash course in webinars.
– Week 2: Partner with people like “Bob”.
– Week 3: Create your “money maker”.
– Week 4: Preparing for maximum success (setup).
– Week 5: Generating $1,000 payments on demand.
– Week 6: Optimize and scale.


Based on my research, SFSA looks to be a rather solid academy on how to build a scalable and replicable online business. When executed correctly, SFSA can help you create various opportunities to sell to your customers through webinars, cross-sell, and up-sell. Ultimately, you will achieve what most rich people have done for themselves and that is to create multiple sources of income stream for yourself.

Remember this product comes with a 30-day money-back, so it’s no risk on your end if it doesn’t work out. Like with all purchases, be sure to read the fine print on refund policy and etc.

If you need further convincing that digital marketing is right for your business, get in touch with us. At Crucial Constructs, We’re willing to listen to you and answer your questions. Contact us today!.

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“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.”  – Raymond Lindquist
“Change your life until you are who you know you are.” – Adam Gnade
“You always have the opportunity to learn, evolve, forgive, and change for the better.”  – Sade Andria Zabala


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