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Make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sebb HEY ATTENTION: Do you want ALREADY selling products along with the link to their store!
We’ve covered a bunch of information so far, discussing everything from the fundamentals of dropshipping to the intricacies of picking a niche and running your business. By now, you should have enough of a foundation to confidently get started researching and launching your own dropshipping business.
With so much to consider, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of what’s really important. That’s why we created this list of the crucial elements to success. These are the core “must-do” actions that will make or break your new venture. If you can successfully execute these, you’ll be able to get a lot of other things wrong and still have a great chance at success.
Having a solid plan for how you can add value to your customers is the most crucial success factor. This is important for all businesses, but much more so in the world of Shopify Drop-shipping, where you’ll be competing with legions of other “me too” shops carrying similar products.
With dropshipping, it’s easy to think you’re selling customers a product. But successful small merchants understand that it’s not Shopify Drop-shipping only the product they offer—they’re selling insights, information, and solutions. You think you’re an eCommerce merchant but you’re also in the information business.
Coming in a close second to adding value as a key success factor is being able to drive traffic to your new site. The #1 problem and frustration new eCommerce merchants face is a lack of traffic to their websites. Too many merchants slave away for months on the perfect site only to Shopify Drop-shipping launch it to a world that has no idea it exists.
Marketing and driving traffic is absolutely essential to the success of your business and is difficult to outsource well, especially if you have a small budget and are bootstrapping your business.
Almost every successful dropshipping store we encounter has one thing in common: It specializes in a certain product or niche. The more that stores specialize, the more successful they tend to be.
You don’t want to just sell backpacks. You want to sell backpacks designed for around-the-world travelers obsessed with lightweight gear. Read more. Click here!
We really love marketing and we really hate fulfillment and manufacturing. So dropshipping was the perfect thing. –Yuliya Chernykhovskaya
If you treat dropshipping like a business and don’t treat dropshipping just like dropshipping, I think you will take it more seriously and you will do better. –Suhail Nurmohamed
Dropshipping is the entry point for a lot of people to business, eCommerce, and entrepreneurship. It’s the perfect first business. –Lachlan Delchau-Jones
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