Customizing Office 365 Business Essentials

Customizing Office 365 Business Essentials

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Introduction to Office365 Business Essentials

These easy video tutorials will teach you how to get maximum value from Office 365 Small Business and Small Business Premium in your small business! Using realistic small business examples, top Office expert Katherine Murray guides you hands-on through Office 365’s apps, online conferencing, email, web tools, and more. 

Murray shows how to create and collaborate on effective Word documents, Excel worksheets, and PowerPoint presentations. Watch and discover how to take full advantage of OneDrive cloud storage, create public websites with Office 365, and even run Office 365 on mobile devices. Throughout, Murray shares powerful insider tips drawn from 25+ years of experience teaching and writing about Office. Focusing specifically on your needs in your small business, she’ll help you make the most of the Office subscription you’re paying for!

How to setup Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Follow these steps to sign up for Microsoft 365 Business Basic (previously called Office 365 Business Essentials): Search for Buy Microsoft 365 Business, locate Microsoft 365 Business Basic, and select Buy now. Enter your name, phone number, and company name, then select Next. Choose to Send Verification Code, enter the code you received Customizing Office 365 – on your phone, and select Verify.

Enter the names and usernames for your additional users and select Add users and assign licenses. Customizing Office 365 – Optionally enter the alternate email addresses where your users will receive their login credentials, and select Send an email and continue. To activate your DNS records, select Continue, verify you are setting up records for email, Teams, and Skype, and Mobile Device Management, then choose to Configure – Connect (you might be asked to re-authenticate to your registrar, or enter the DNS records manually depending on the DNS registrar you are using).

Why You Should Create Your Own Custom Business Email Address and How to Get Started

Having a Professional Business Email Address Matters

Customizing Office 365

As a new business owner, you want to save a few bucks and are leaning towards creating an e-mail address that ends in @gmail, @yahoo, or @outlook because, well those are free. But are they truly free? How are they costing you and your business in the long term?

In this article, we will provide three reasons why you should create your professional business e-mail address utilizing your own custom domain and how to get started.

Custom Business E-Mail Addresses are Trusted and Help your Brand

If you are sending ‘cold’ e-mails to prospects and they see the FROM e-mail address ends in @gmail, the first thing they will probably do is delete your e-mail message. People trust an e-mail that ends with a custom domain because they can research the company based on the e-mail domain address. A quick Google search will take them to your website where they can read more about your services. 

Custom Business E-Mail Addresses are Portable and Give you Control

When you own your domain and use that domain to set-up professional business e-mail addresses for your company, you are in control. If your current e-mail hosting provider isn’t delivering your e-mails or you are not receiving e-mails, you can leave and get services elsewhere.  

What do I need to do to get my Professional, Custom Business Email set-up?

The first thing you need to do is purchase a domain if you don’t already own one. Domain names are relatively inexpensive. Once you have your domain registered you will need to find an e-mail hosting provider and research the e-mail hosting services they offer. Read more. Click here!

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” – Mandy Hale

“An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it.” – Roy Ash


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E-Mail Addresses are Trusted

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