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The word is finally spreading. Clickbank sells physical products. Did you hear that? And we have thousands of plenty cars, and eye creams, workout cones for everyone, and survival whistle and the number one voted best tasting green juice powder or unified delicious, and energy crystals bull rice and water pitchers and microfiber towels and tons.
More glad you’re up to speed, but now that the word is out, Clickbank has noticed a rise in the number of submissions for consumables and cosmetics, and we are stoked about it; however, this category is far more interpret than the others, and it requires caution and the appropriate knowledge when wanting to advertise these on the world wide web these products are products that people ingest apply to their skin or their face or even give to their pets.
We can’t just accept these products all willy-nilly without taking the best legal precautions possible because you know I’m a crazy cat mom to help you through the compliance process and duly educate you on the procedures and requirements we have a plethora of helpful resources, and I’m here to lay them all out for you oh right all right Matthew McConaughey’s so you want to sell your pill that cures cancer and what about your supplement that helps people regrow their hair.
But what about a product that increases arousal and desire? Obviously, there are a number of products that we have deemed prohibited. Oh, before sending your product to the compliance team, you should check link number one below me to make sure your product is not on the list after you’ve reviewed the prohibited products list and you’ve made sure that you’re consumable or cosmetic.
If not on it, the next step is to complete our FDA product checklist. This checklist contains eight items outlining all of the important requirements that you must provide before joining the platform. Usually, you wouldn’t get this checklist until you submit your product and wait to hear back from our compliance team or unless you’re one of the few that actually reads the knowledgebase before submitting your product.
Regardless we promise to help you exit your process. We keep our word because we’re awesome and we’re gonna give you a huge leg up by providing that checklist right now. Check out the document below this video labeled number two to get your checklist and get to check-in. You will notice within this checklist that we require label artwork.
We require that you hand paint or draw your label on out of five southern canvas we expect lines to convey movement and color to convey mood and atmosphere. Guys, I’m joking. That’s weird document labeled number three below me outlines the minimum label requirements for dietary supplements.
Dietary supplements are top-rated among consumables and cosmetics, and a lot of times, we see incomplete labels, so this will help you make sure that you have all the necessities next up are items four, five six seven, and eight below me the best way to protect yourself from the FDA is to simply follow their rules we know reading all of this legal lingo can be boring, but sometimes you just got to do it remember Jason from my first video well if not he is our FDA compliance expert.
Much to our surprise, he enjoys reading this jargon, and he really goes above and beyond to help our clients better understand its numbers four through eight are the top five most useful resources that Jason has hand-picked he uses these on a regular basis, and he suggests that all your consumables and cosmetics vendors do as well number four is a direct link to the FDA’s website this document restates all of that legal slang into plain language this goes over your legal requirements concerning your labeling claims for your dietary supplements.
Another direct link to a vital resource is number five down there. This one takes all your dietary supplement sellers straight to the FTC has truth and Advertising Standards that Clickbank has also adopted, and we do our best to help you comply with them. One of those standards is ensuring that you have the appropriate scientific substantiation to back up any of the claims you make.
This article will help you become a pro item number six. Below me is another document that’s going to be a great resource for all of you dietary supplement vendors as it lays out the dos and the don’ts for all of your structure-function claims. Number seven is probably my favorite exam calm is an educational company consisting of a team of people all the way from pharmacists and medical doctors to researchers and professors collectively.
Over research and they break it down for all of us plain folk who aren’t doctors or scientists the information that they provide on nutrition and supplements is accurate unbiased, and most of all trusted you can run through their top nutrition articles or their latest news, or you can type in your own question and find boodles of information that way this is a great place to check the validity of any of the claims that you make in your marketing copy, and you can also use these articles as credible sources of substantiation.
Finally, number eight is going to bring you right back to where you started the FDA, but this time, you’ll find warning letters hand it out to companies that aren’t taking all of the precautions you’re taking right now, and the FDA finds that a manufacturer has violated their regulations they will notify the company usually via a warning letter.
The letter will identify the violation and explain that the company must correct the problem. They will then provide directions and a deadline for when the company needs to make the changes. Companies can get letters for all sorts of things. They can get them for poor manufacturing practices, incorrect or misleading claims on how the product works or what it can achieve, and incorrect directions for use. These letters are very advantageous for your consumables and cosmetic vendors because it really gives you a better idea of what the FDA is looking for by highlighting those common mistakes you can make sure that you don’t make the same ones once you’re sure that your product is in compliance with the FTC FDA and Clickbank you can go ahead.
Submit your checklist to our physical product compliance analysts whose emails in the document. After she completes her analyzing you’ll proceed to phase two, which is getting your sales to copy approved. We always encourage our vendors to do as much research as they can before creating your sales copy and submitting it to us. Minimizing your mistakes means minimizing your time with compliance, which gets you on the platform quickly and safely with all of the information and resources that we’ve provided today. Your compliance process should run seamlessly, and we’re confident that we will both avoid run-ins with the FTC and the FDA.
I know that I’ve thrown a lot of information at you here over the last few minutes, but Clickbank wants to remind you that a positive attitude and willingness to learn is really going to get you a long way. With all of that being said, we’re so excited for you to get started, and we thank you for choosing Clickbank as your trusted partner.
Selling physical products, or in other words, an online retail business, requires patience, perseverance, and the right online tools. The shopping experience is significant because this is how you will earn repeat customers and promoters.
The biggest difference between selling physical products online compared to a physical store is the market reach. While a physical store’s clientele is mostly limited to its location, cross-country transactions are possible with an online store. The only market limitation for cross-country transactions is the availability of shipping methods.
Online retailing also need fewer human resources. Sometimes, everything can even be done by one person. From the point of purchase, all a seller needs to do is pack the item, contact the carrier and have the item picked up for delivery to the buyers. The only time extra human resources may be needed is when orders are too many.
Whether you manufacture your own goods or you want to venture into buying and selling, it would be advantageous to sell your items online, especially if you cannot afford to maintain a physical store. Furthermore, if you want to do this part-time and still maintain a 9 to 5 job, online retailing will fit into your schedule.
In addition to digital products, ClickBank also lets you sell physical products. You can sell a wide variety of physical products, such as books, DVDs, fitness equipment, food products, cosmetics, or supplements. Offering physical products that compliment your digital products can appeal to a wider group of customers. This article explains how you can start offering physical goods to customers.
When you sell a physical product, the affiliate’s commission is taken from the price of the product itself and not from the shipping and handling charges. If you want to offer commissions on the shipping and handling charges, you will need to select that option in your Shipping Profile.
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