What is Email Marketing, and Where Did it Begin?

What is Email Marketing, and Where Did it Begin?

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What is Email Marketing, and Where Did it Begin?

The first email, sent by Ray Tomlinson, marked the beginning of the modern communication era, depending on your source. The message was nothing special, a series of numbers and letters that looked more like a password than a message, but its significance was profound.

The email was sent from one computer to another, travelling through a network of machines, not unlike the internet we know today. Tomlinson also introduced the “@” symbol in email addresses to the world.

Gary Thuerk, a Marketing Manager at Digital Equipment Corp, sent the first commercial email years later, where the message reached a list of email addresses. And voila, email marketing was born. There were only a few hundred people on the list, but that was enough for Thuerk to claim the mantle, “Father of Spam.”

Today, we’re inundated with email marketing, and yes, some of it still feels spammy, but there’s no denying the impact a well-crafted message can have on your customers—not to mention CRM and lead nurturing.

Email marketing helps you connect with your audience to promote your brand and increase sales. You can do many things with emails, like sell products, share some news, or tell a story.

With Mailchimp’s campaign builder, it’s easy to find the right templates for any message, whether you’re welcoming new subscribers, notifying customers of a sale, or wishing someone a happy birthday.

7 Marketing Tools That’ll Instantly Boost Your Traffic

You want traffic. You don’t have the time to make all the changes and all the tips that I’m giving. You want a quicker solution. Well, I have one for you today.

Seven Marketing Tools that’ll Get you More Traffic Instantly.


With Ubersuggest, it’s an all in one SEO tool.

There’s an SEO analyzer, tells you what’s wrong with your site, what to fix so you can get more search traffic.

It also tells you what other keywords you could target to get more search traffic.

If you’re already ranked for certain terms, you can put those terms into Ubersuggest. It shows you the long-tail variations. You can pop it in, and then you’ll start also ranking for those.

If you rank for the head term, it’s so much easier to rank for the long-tail variations. Hence, you use the keyword research tool in Ubersuggest.


Look, you’ve heard the saying the money’s in the list. So why aren’t you building an email list? Now, email lists don’t have to cost money.

You can use Mailchimp to send out emails to your audience. You can do it for free. You can send out emails every month to all the people on your list.

And if you don’t know how to collect the emails, you can use a bonus tool, Hello Bar, for free, which allows you to collect the emails, and it plugs right into Mailchimp.

Now the key if you’re going to use Mailchimp is, don’t just send out emails to anyone who’s on your list.

If someone comes to your site looking for specific advice, related to let’s say, dogs, you wouldn’t send them emails related to cats.


Have notification preferences in them. So, any time you’re browsing the web, it doesn’t matter what site; heck, your computer could even be off.

But the next time you log in, I can send you a notification that goes to your browser, and you can be on Facebook, and it’ll tell you to go back to neilpatel.com.

You may not like it, but that’s called browser notifications. It’s super effective. It’s more effective than email. It works.

You have to test it out.

4. MobileMonkey

Facebook Messenger is blowing up. Eventually, Facebook Messenger will be WhatsApp Messenger, Instagram. It’ll all be connected through Facebook Messenger.

You can communicate with everyone. MobileMonkey helps you create a quote-unquote, like an email list, but more so a Messenger list.

So that way, you can communicate to anyone on any of Facebook’s platforms. And what’s beautiful about this is that the open rates are higher than emails, and the click rates are better.

If you can build a list, and you do it now because this is the time.

In the next few years, this will be much more competitive.

You’ll notice that your open rates, your click rates will be amazing, and it’s a great way to get instant traffic.

5.Yoast SEO plugin

You’re probably on WordPress. If you use the Yoast plugin, it can optimize most of your site with the click of a button.

It can even create an XML sitemap for you to upload it into Google to get more traffic.


Now, you have this content on your site. You want traffic. Most people are like, hey, you know what? I need to keep getting people back. How do I get these visitors?

You may have a social audience. It may not be as big as you want. But what’s cool about Buffer is, you can keep scheduling your content in advance, and keep pushing your older articles every few months, so that way you’re continually sharing content, and getting traffic even to your old content, and continue building up that traffic base, versus writing a piece of content, sharing it once, and then forgetting about it.


You can incentivize people for sharing your content, your webinars. And what it does, in essence, create a viral loop, in which, when people take actions that you want them to do,
By sharing your content, promoting your webinar, promoting your tools, promoting your services, they can get a reward.

So when you combine all the tools, that’s when you’ll see the biggest traffic lift.


What is Email Marketing, and Where Did it Begin?

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did”  -Newt Gingrich.
“Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th” -Julie Andrews.
“Through perseverance, many people win success out of what seemed destined to be a certain failure”  -Benjamin Disraeli.


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