Canon TS-E 24mm Tilt-Shift Lens: Product Reviews: Adorama Photography TV

Canon TS-E 24mm Tilt-Shift Lens: Product Reviews: Adorama Photography TV

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Canon TS-E 24mm Tilt-Shift Lens

Canon TS-E 24mm Tilt-Shift Lens: Product Reviews

Welcome to Adorama TV. I’m Mark Wallace. This week, we will take a closer look at the Amazing Canon TS-E 24mm Tilt-Shift Lens.
If you are not familiar with tilt-shift lenses, then make sure you watch the tutorial about tilt-shift lenses that I created on digital photography one-on-one this year. Canon released two new tilt-shift lenses earlier this year; they release a 17mm and the new 24 mm that I have right here.
Now, this new 24mm isn’t just an upgrade to the previous version, but it’s a new design, so let me break down the new features for you.
First, this lens has much larger image circle coverage, allowing it even greater shift and tilt capabilities. The image circle on this lens is now 67.2mm instead of the 58mm image circle on the previous lens.

Now, if the concept of the image circle is new to you, let me quickly explain it by using these little cutouts here. All lenses have to project a circular image represented by this green cutout here back to the camera sensor, represented by this little red rectangle.
Now I know these aren’t in proper proportion but work with me on this one. So what happens is the image circle has to be large enough to cover the entire sensor like this, so the lens projects light in a circle man in this sensor captures it as a rectangle, sort of like this. Now, on shifting lens has an image circle of about 43mm, which covers the sensor just fine, sort of like what you see here, but a shifting lens well needs a much larger image circle so that when the lens shifts really o you need a large image circle like this.

Adorama Photography TV presents the Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II Tilt-Shift Lens

So as the lens is shifting around, you’re going to be safe. With the previous version of this lens, the image circle was 58mm, allowing the lens to shift around by about 11mm. Still, the new lens has an image circle of 67.2mm, which allows the lens to shift 12mm in any direction, but it also does something else it minimizes the vignette into the new ability to combine tilt and shift in new ways.

Let me talk about that; there’s a never-seen-before for tilt-shift lenses, and it’s the ability to change the relationship of the tilt and the shift independent of each other. Now we’ve always taken tilt-shift and rotate both of those together in 90 degrees like this. So here’s our tilt, and here’s our shift. We’ve always been able to rotate that in 90 degrees, but this lens now allows you to move the shift and the tilts independent of each other so I can move the shift. Then I can move the tilt independent of that, so we have two different controls, and that is brand new with this new design. So the other interesting thing is this lens can now move in either clockwise or counterclockwise direction so you can go both ways moving the entire thing.

So there are new movements, and so that larger image circle allows photographers to make all of these new movements without the fear of a significant vignette of light, which is important now to control all this movement. The lens has knobs to adjust tilt or shift, and on the opposite side, they have locking knobs little switches.
So let me show you closely what these are tolt knobs on the top here if we flip the lens over underneath here there’s a little lock right there and what the lock does is once that is locked, you cant tilt the lens, and so if you’re just shifting things up and down, that’s going to make sure that this doesn’t accidentally tilt and change the plane of focus but if you unlock that you also have this little locking dial right here. What allows you to do now is you can tilt the lens wherever you want it and lock that in.
Now once that’s locked, when you’re moving this camera.

I’m not going to move the tilt out of whack accidentally. I’m going to make sure that everything stays nice, stay nice, and firm, and the same thing is true of the shift. You’ve got a little lock on the opposite side of that. So, when you loosen that up can start shifting your lens up and down.

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