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Physical Products To Sell | In this video, I’m going to show you exactly how you can create your own products and white label them as your own!
In this video, I walk you through the process of setting up your first physical product through PayPal.
What you’ll need for this to work is:
1. A PayPal Business Account: I recommend a PayPal Standard Account To Get You Started.
2. You Product Info: pricing, quantity, sales thank you page, and cart abandonment redirection page. Make sure your sales page is on a site that is SSL certified!
3. Shipping Pricing & Tax Details.
I talk a lot over here about building & growing an online shop, but I have failed to mention how to create a physical product to sell. I mean, you can’t have a shop with no product. (My bad ya’ll)
I started my career hand making jewelry (and still do till this day), so I know a thing or two about turning your idea into a tangible product worth selling. Today (in this very lengthy post), I’m going to show you how to do just that.
1. A clear idea of the type of product you want to create.
2. An open mind to change your idea along the way
3. Patience to get you through the trial & error process (because your product will probably suck the first few tries).
Before putting in your time, effort & money, you need to first think about if your potential target customers will even want or need what you have to offer. Ask yourself…
1. What value will they see in my product?
2. How will my product stand out from others in my industry?
3. Are my customers willing to pay for a product like this?
If you need a little help figuring out exactly who your target customer is, check out “What You Need To Know Before Marketing Anything.”
This is where you will begin to think about every component of your product. If it’s something like a bracelet, maybe all you need is a strand of beads (Physical Products To Sell), elastic string, and beading glue? If it is something a little more complex like handmade pottery, make sure you know all the materials and tools that it will take to bring your product to life. This will help you put your actual product together, but it will give you an idea of what type of budget you should set yourself.
Think about your product, the materials, the tools & the time it will take to bring it to reality. Is this something that you can create yourself efficiently? Meaning if you do not already possess the skills to bring this product to life, are you willing to invest in classes to learn the skills needed?
If the answer is yes, then ask yourself.
Starting, you may be running a one-woman show, and that is totally ok! But before you commit to making EVERYTHING (Physical Products To Sell) in your shop, think about how you will make time to run a business still. What has helped me with Early August is selling in small quantities so that I don’t have to make a trillion products at one time. And to make sure I am making the most out of my time and still getting everything done, I set certain days specifically for creating products and doing the administrative side of the business. Read more. Click here!
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” ― Simon Sinek
“Whatever you’re thinking, think bigger.” ― Tony Hsieh
“If it isn’t clear yes, then it’s a clear no.” ― Greg McKeown
“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late.” ― Seth Godin
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