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Are you wondering how to market your small business on Instagram today? You’ve heard that Instagram is a great marketing platform, and you’re looking for an Instagram Marketing Strategy for Business. In this video, I share the 6 tactical straight-forward, NO B.S. marketing strategy components for business so you can use Instagram as your best marketing tool, to grow your business through 2020 and beyond.
This video has many small business Instagram marketing tips for you to start using today. I focused specifically on what I consult small businesses to do with their Instagram to get results, fast.
Looking for an elite education in Instagram, marketing, and making money on social media? The Instagram Ivy League is for you! It’s a complete A-Z resource that will teach you how to create an Instagram account you love, grow a following of targeted users, increase your engagement, web traffic and convert your followers.
There’s also a large number of influencers on the site with a massive amount of followers. And with the right plan, you can become an influential brand, too.
You need to post the right kind of content to stay relevant to current followers while also bringing in new ones.
But it can be hard to know which kinds of posts work best for growing your audience.
Before you start thinking about your Instagram marketing plan, be sure that you have an Instagram Business Account.
It’s easy to switch your current profile to a business account.
Just head to your settings and click on “Switch to Business Profile” to get started.
There are some clear benefits to having a business profile.
For example, followers can click on your contact button to get in touch with you right from your Instagram page just like they would from your website.
A business profile allows you to create and publish Instagram ads without needing to use Facebook’s advertising tools.
Business profiles on Instagram aren’t all that different from Facebook business profiles.
Through Insights, you can view statistics like impressions, engagement data, and more.
You can even get a breakdown of the demographics of your followers, including information on their age, gender, location, and most active hours.
Insights aren’t just generalized, either. You can get specific insights on posts for the week that show you how many impressions you earned for that time period and what your top posts were.
These free tools are priceless because you can use them to understand exactly how users are interacting with your content.
The more that you know about how users are interacting with your posts, the better you can adjust your content to boost engagement.
What if you could sell more products just by posting product teasers on Instagram?
Well, you can.
Instagram is a great place to advertise your products. And if you play your cards right, you won’t annoy users or scare them off with advertisements, either.
If you’re too pushy, followers will drop like flies. But product teaser posts are a simple way to talk about your product and increase excitement without looking like you’re trying too hard.
The brand offers a 70% off discount while showing you photos of some of the items that are available to purchase.
And the posts received thousands of likes each, which is huge in the advertising world.
When you tease people about products they are interested in, and you don’t push them into buying anything, they’ll be more likely to pull the trigger and actually buy something.
If not, they’ll at least engage with your post by liking it, commenting on it, or sharing it with a friend.
Instagram ads have become commonplace on the platform. The best part? You can control exactly how much you want to spend on them by setting an ad budget.
You can showcase just one sponsored ad or multiple ads with the carousel feature.
This gives brands the ability to target their audience in a whole new way. Before sponsored posts, only users following your account could see your updates and photos.
Now, brands can promote their photos to anyone that fits their target audience to increase their reach further than ever before.
For sponsored ads, use content that is engaging while also appealing to the target demographic you want to put the ad in front of.
You can turn existing posts into sponsored ads, too, so keep an eye on your top posts.
You can push these high-performing posts out later to potential customers in the form of sponsored ads.
Run multiple posts to different audiences simultaneously for even more engagement. Keep in mind that there are many different forms of sponsored ads that you can post, such as:
Instagram Stories, sponsored or not, are another great way to connect with followers.
If you want to generate leads, Instagram Stories are here to help.
Instagram stories differ from regular Instagram posts because they come in a “slideshow” format.
They’re only live for 24 hours, but Stories can be saved to any of your devices and reused at a later point.
Once a user clicks on your photo at the top, a window will pop up where they can view your Story. | INSTAGRAM MARKETING STRATEGY FOR BUSINESS
The benefits of Instagram Stories for brands are truly endless. For starters, Stories are displayed at the top of follower timelines where users already look daily.
Brands can use stories to capture behind-the-scenes insider posts that may not be as “high-quality” as regular posts.
Every photo and video you add will play in the same sequence that you added it.
The amount of posts that you can add to Stories at any given time is unlimited, and the feature is available to all businesses globally.
Stories are only available on the mobile Instagram app, and it’s not currently possible to send Instagram Stories as direct messages.
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” ― Simon Sinek
“Whatever you’re thinking, think bigger.” ― Tony Hsieh
“If it isn’t a clear yes, then it’s a clear no.” ― Greg McKeown
“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late.” ― Seth Godin
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