Pizza Expo: Restaurant Business Essentials Part I

Pizza Expo: Restaurant Business Essentials Part I

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Promote Transparency With Your Employees

You’ve heard the saying, “Great leaders aren’t born, they’re made.” But here’s the rest of the story: Great leaders are made by great systems. Proper systems force valuable communications among staff and ensure profitability.

They enable a restaurant owner to control operations even when they are not insightful and to be perceived as great leaders. In this first part of Restaurant Business Essentials, David Scott Peters, founder of, will help attendees identify who they are as restaurant owners or managers, and how to communicate and lead their teams.

Included will be tools to define and hold up your company culture; checklists for clearly defining your expectations; secrets to holding your management team accountable and other useful methods for building profitable systems.

• How systems play a role in effective leadership
• The tools to define and hold up your company culture
• Why budgets are a critical tool for communication
• How to use checklists to clearly define your expectations
• How follow-up builds trust and confidence in leadership and employees
• How to delegate successfully
• The secrets to holding your management team accountable
• What the most important weekly report


The tools to define and hold up your company culture

10 Restaurant Management Tips To Improve The Way You Work

Restaurant management tips often deal with ways to streamline the day-to-day operations of the restaurant itself. But what about you the manager who dictates those day-to-day operations? Could you use some tips to help you manage better? Of course, you could.

We all could. Working on yourself is as important as, if not more important than, working on the operations of the business. That’s because everything you do affects some aspect of the restaurant from the food quality to the atmosphere to the employee demeanor.

So instead of looking for ways to improve the business, let’s look for ways to improve ourselves and our management style. If we do that, everything around us will improve as well. This article will consider 15 restaurant management tips that can get you on the path to managerial success.

1. Display A Positive Attitude

Your positive attitude—or lack thereof—can dramatically affect the mood of the entire restaurant…customers included. A negative attitude on your part can trickle down through the employees and seep into your guests. This, in turn, colors their dining experience in a bad way. That’s a recipe for disaster.

2. Promote Transparency With Your Employees

Transparency is an important aspect of restaurant management in the 21st century. Millennial employees, in particular, want to know what’s going on and what you’re doing in the restaurant. This stems from the younger generation’s need to feel connected and part of something larger.

3. Be A Model Of Stability For Your Employees

The restaurant business can be notoriously inconsistent. One day can differ from the next, which can differ from the next. This can wear away at employee efficiency because they have no idea what to expect from day today.

4. Plan Ahead

In order to perform at your best, it’s important to plan ahead. Anticipating needs and problems, and being proactive in the management of these issues, can go a long way toward keeping stress and chaos at bay.

5. Innovate

The restaurant business may not seem like a prime place for innovation, but it actually is. Whether it’s simpler point-of-sale technology, adopting a farm-to-fork initiative, or revamping the accounting systems, these innovations can keep a restaurant successful.

6. Delegate

On most days, there are just too many things for you to handle effectively. That’s why it’s important to learn to delegate. Start by delegating the less-critical day-to-day chores to trusted employees you know can get the job done. This frees you up to focus on the bigger, more important issues your restaurant will face.

7. Lead By Example

If you want your employees to perform at a high level, you have to perform that way first. You can try to explain it in your employee handbook all you want, but leading by example makes the point crystal clear.

8. Be Accountable For Your Mistakes

We all make mistakes. It’s just a fact of life. And just because you’re a restaurant manager doesn’t mean you’re somehow exempt. The important part to focus on is not that the mistake occurred in the first place, but what you’re going to do to fix it. This means being accountable for your mistakes, moving past them, and finding a solution.

9. Work On The Business

Working ON the business is perhaps one of the most important tasks on the restaurant manager’s list. It’s drastically different than just working IN the restaurant. Working ON the restaurant is a way to keep it up-to-date, fresh, and functioning over the long haul, not just day-to-day.

10. Celebrate Success

Everyone needs encouragement now and again. Your employees are no different. Positive reinforcement can go a long way toward making your staff perform at their best. When you celebrate success, your employees see the value of doing a good job and know that you appreciate their efforts.

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Work On The Business

Be Accountable For Your Mistakes




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