14 Guerrilla Marketing Tactics for Entrepreneurs

14 Guerrilla Marketing Tactics for Entrepreneurs

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If you can master marketing locally you’re going to be able to do marketing globally so today’s message’s 14 different strategies I’m going to give you that,  I think I’ve used 12 of them me on guerilla marketing tactics you can use and guerrilla marketing locally to get the word amount out about your business and what you’re doing so let’s start off with the first one here cash in on viral trends. so today there’s a lot of trends there’s the website they can go and say trending topics and you can always figure out a way to you know to cash in on.

Tough economic times are requiring more and more business owners to find creative ways to get ahead. Many people think that businesses should scale back during hard times, but this is a huge mistake. If you start to scale back on your marketing, your competitors will grab that market share and slowly — or quickly — put you out of business.

The essence behind guerrilla marketing (a methodology coined by my mentor, the late Jay Conrad Levinson) is using time, energy, imagination, and outside-of-the-box ideas to produce better results. It works in good times, and it works in bad times. The key is taking action and putting some time behind the tactic.

Here are seven time-tested guerrilla marketing tactics for you to consider for your marketing arsenal.

1. Target a specific demographic or niche

Software package box Word cloud concept illustration One of the quickest and cheapest ways to get better results is to niche down and get more specific on who you want to reach.

Think about it for a second. If you owned a daycare center targeting parents within 10 miles of your center, the wide net could bring higher marketing and advertising costs. But if you were to narrow down the radius to five miles and get more specific on the types of parents you wanted — like parents interested in STEM — the audience size gets smaller, your message gets more focused, and you can invest less to reach that audience.

2. Create a content-rich blog.

Blogs are a great way to get your message out. Not only are they free, but they can also be updated as often or infrequently as you want. Blogs have been around for years now, so people know what it is when they see the word “blog” on their search engine results page.

A blog can be used to share your thoughts or explain the steps you took in creating a new product or service. It could also serve as an online journal of sorts — readers could follow along with what is going on behind the scenes at their favorite restaurants and businesses from around town (think “reality tv” for blogging), to name a few ideas.

3. Use social media to connect with prospects.

In no way is social media news, but it continues to be one of the best free places to generate interest in your business on a vast stage.

The key to leveraging the power of social media is to be different and stand out. What is your unique selling proposition? What sets you apart from the hundreds of other businesses on social media sites like Facebook. What will make people take notice?

To produce any return for social media marketing efforts, it’s essential to execute each post with precision and meaning. There should always be two goals with every post: to engage your audience and drive them towards taking a specific action. Your prospects need to be led in the right way for them to say “yes.”

4. Find local influencers for content marketing campaigns.

Portrait Of Smiling Experienced Mentor And Young Female EmployeeRegardless of the type of business, you’re in; there are content curators online across various platforms. They already have the audience you want and are willing to promote your business in exchange for relevant content, a barter arrangement, or a small fee.

Let’s say you own a restaurant in Orlando, Fla., and you want to deploy this strategy. Check out Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram and see who is producing content about Orlando, or better yet, the food in Orlando. Reach out to them and see what they’re willing to do for you and with you. From there, you can coordinate content campaigns. The content needs to look like native content rather than an ad.

5. Join masterminds, groups, or associations related to your business topic or niche market.

One of the most valuable things I have ever done for my business is to join mastermind and industry associations. The masterminds put me around like-minded people. We swap “war stories,” look at what’s working or what’s not, and even refer business to each other. On the flip side, associations put me in front of my prospects. For a small investment, I could quickly get in front of their audiences with borrowed credibility.

6. Get involved in the community by volunteering or donating to causes that are relevant to you.

You get out what you put in. Time and money are the two most valuable resources that entrepreneurs have, so it’s important to invest them into causes you believe deeply about. For me, community involvement has led me to meet a lot of amazing people at various events. I have done business with some of these individuals and have even hired people from these encounters.

7. Offer freebies or samples.

I love attending home shows. In particular, I love the booths and vendors. And what’s one thing that almost every single booth has in common? They have some freebie, sample, or giveaway to reel you in. Some even hire professional advertisers to put on an entire show for crowds of people.

Free is the number one word in marketing. Think of all the times you were hooked in by a freebie or a sample, and you will want to start using it in your business as well.

These are only a few guerrilla marketing tactics that cost little money but can produce results and a return like you’ve never seen before. When deployed correctly, your competitors won’t even know what hit them.

Should Your Digital Marketing Include Guerrilla Marketing?

marketing tactics

You’ve likely heard of guerrilla warfare, the attack strategy formed on the basis of “the element of surprise,” and used heavily by the Patriots in the American Revolution. But we’re not here to give you a history lesson. Instead, we want to have a little chat about guerrilla marketing, a form of inbound marketing whose name was derived from the surprise war tactic.
Now we’re sure you’re wondering: what on earth do marketing and warfare have to do with each other? Well, admittedly, not much. But the element of surprise can work in mysterious ways. Although inbound marketing is more about seamlessly integrating marketing and advertising messages into platforms and programs people are already using, guerrilla marketing takes this a step further.

marketing tactics

Guerrilla marketing is about putting your business in front of people while they’re doing things they were already doing but in a big way. Rather than a quick Facebook post or a Twitter ad campaign, you’re doing something unconventional.

You’re going above and beyond, reaching the heights of creativity and experimentation, to really put your business out there. You’re getting in people’s faces. But, like, in a subtle way. Real-world use of guerrilla marketing is innovative and eye-catching. For instance.

If you need further convincing that digital marketing is right for your business, get in touch with us. At Crucial Constructs, we’re willing to listen to you and answer your questions. Contact us today!  

“Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology” – Brian Solis.
“Sell-sell-sell sales methods simply do not work on social media.” – Kim Garst.
“Strong customer relationships drive sales, sustainability, and growth.” – Tom Cates




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Top Tips You Need to Start Your Online Business

At this moment in time, Jeff Bezos remains the richest man in the world, with his net worth assessed at nearly $200 billion. There is one fact that you might not know, he did not start his empire in Silicon Valley, but rather in his basement. Grasping the importance of technological advances, businesses now shift their focus to e-commerce. Online sales are no longer new, and they do make a good start.Word Art

The competition is even more fierce, now that people need no brick-and-mortar store to sell, so you had better be well prepared.

If you try searching “how to start an online business successfully,” you will see hundreds of millions of Google results.

Google’s algorithms certainly include a volume of irrelevant suggestions, but the first few pages already serve to answer your question.

Now, the main problem is, do you want to scrape through 50 or 60 web pages to do thorough research for useful information?

The common misconception we often have is that the top Google results are the most credible. That assumption is only partly true, as businesses utilize their blog posts to get money.

Therefore, they invest in their marketing strategies and search engine optimizations. Also, websites with higher traffic stand higher in search result pages. Popularity never stays equal to truth.

As you scroll up and down and read tons of new concepts and tips, you may get lost and unable to differentiate what is right or misleading. A lack of knowledge from the start guarantees a bitter end. Hence, you should find a mentor or a trainer from the beginning to draw out the strategies for opening and managing your online business.

It takes effort to do online businesses, so do not let those “get rich fast” people waste your time and money. Conveniently, we have reduced the hard work for you by summarizing the prospects you need to head for.

The hardest part is always the start. With courage and perseverance, you will make the change in your life. Step up and take some action!

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Market Timing as an Active Investment Strategy Does Work to Improve Your Returns

Our Special Report on Market Timing includes 10 sections about how savvy investors use Trend Investing and Market Timing to vastly improve their returns.  This report does not show you the step-by-step system but it explains what Market Timing is, and how when it is combined with Trend Following, Trend Trading, and Trend Timing you can vastly improve your returns. Lead Book Magnet You will learn

  • Reasons Why you need to Adopt A Market Trend Timing System
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