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Is marketing freak in easy? No, I’m not even kidding; stay tuned, and I’ll teach you how to make at least three hundred dollars a day or more with affiliate marketing.
It’s going results not typical we don’t know what our average user makes most people don’t tell us, and most people don’t ever do anything we’ve been averaging. So today, I want to talk to you about exactly how to make $300 a day or more with affiliate marketing, so if we’re going to get to our $300 range, we want to talk about how affiliate marketing works.
Now a lot of people out there are going to say that you need to go to social media, You need to do Facebook, you need to do videos, you got to have good sales copy you got to have all this stuff and everything, and that’s what makes people overwhelmed. But suppose we keep it simple and focus on $300 a day. So, in that case, I’ll show you exactly how to get it because people are currently running banner ads directly to Clickbank offers and making $300 a day or more because they are setting up simple little images on Pinterest.
Making $300 a day or more by sending people to affiliate offers Did you know that people are making $300 a day or more by giving away the little toolbars like 5OL toolbars and things like that for free, and they’re making a killing. So let’s talk about how to do it. First of all, let’s take a look at direct linking now. Direct linking is the idea and the practice of linking directly. You are using your traffic source.
We’ll put traffic source, and you are sending them there directly to an affiliate offer, alright, so that means that you go to Clickbank or go to the affiliate network, or go to Amazon and get an affiliate link. You take your traffic source, whether it’s Google Adwords, Pinterest, whether it’s YouTube, whether it’s social media, Facebook, whatever. You accept what’s called a raw link or a direct link. You’re now taking them from the traffic source and sending them right to the affiliate offers. This is good; it’s easy a lot of people do it, but you lose touch with the sales.
In the last few weeks, we saw amazon kill mane affiliate business’ with one stroke of a pen – we saw the IAB putting out DISMAL news about the online ad industry and over 23 million people unemployed in the USA alone. So does this spell out a recipe for the end of affiliate marketing, or is it a new beginning? Find out on this live stream where Marcus will cut past the junk and get to the absolute truth about affiliate marketing, amazon, and making money online.
“Content is fire, social media is gasoline.” -Jay Baer
“Content is King but engagement is Queen, and the lady rules the house!” -Mari Smith
“Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well.” -Ann Handley
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