Remake Yourself: A 9 Step Quick Guide to Realigning Your Career

The first step in your career rehab is to create a blueprint of your existing career layout what you consider to be your desired path whether you’re looking for a specific mentor perks and benefits location scope salary and what type of organization you would like to work for this will help you be more confident as you try to craft your new vision of your future career in this guide we lay out nine steps that will help you in your career makeover

1. Turn yourself into a brand

Cute African Kid Child Girl Showing Homework Talking To Remote Most companies don’t empower their employees and as a consequence, they don’t see themselves as a crucial cog in the wheel of the organization are worse they don’t see themselves as a brand this leads to a breakdown of communication between company leadership and staff which means the vast majority of employees aren’t happy with what they do every day. If you’re looking to give your career a makeover you need to layout your professional experience identify your strengths and weaknesses and find specific subject matter expertise all of these can be used to create your new brand

Personal branding is vital to career progression when you embrace your personality experience and expertise it allows you to align with the right organization whether you’re a retiree professional or a new college graduate the ability to transition smoothly between colleagues and leaders while remaining comfortable with your personal branding is important for career progression

Unfortunately not every company is ready to accept this is why you need to be able to quickly assess the working environment to ensure it’s ready for you is you to having said that you shouldn’t have to filter everything you say now are you entitled to start wearing pajamas to work every day. It just means you can be comfortable with who you are and you’re on a journey one that’s focused on personal enrichment using your experience as a stepping stone to building your brand. Every aspect of your daily working environment whether you’re talking to colleagues having a personal conversation or your partaking in important meetings higher opportunity for you to learn and gain additional experience as you try to build a personal brand here are 10 important steps to take in the process.

  • Ask to be part of more work-related challenges
  • Sign up for ongoing personal development training as this will show your employer you are focused
  • Ernest many personal certifications and qualifications you can
  • Focus on reading one book related to your industry every month
  • Start a career-related blog and write on Verizon article every week
  • Start watching industries videos on either you Demi or YouTube
  • Start subscribing to work-related podcasts
  • Look for more detail-oriented opportunities and try to volunteer to take part in Cross collaboration projects
  • I need free professional conferences workshops are virtual webinars scheduled throughout the year trying to attend them
  • Try and network with experts in your field pick their brains whenever possible to enhance your career prospects

2. Success by association

Business people shaking hands, finishing up a meetingSome of the best career coaches in the business advise their clients that dating different careers is okay until you find the one you fall in love with. You shouldn’t be afraid to try out new things especially new careers or jobs them for a limited time and then move on. Staying in one field for 12 to 24 months to gain valuable professional experience is perfectly acceptable it’s very simple the more you learn the more you’re earning potential or being. Not only will you enhance your personal brand by dating different careers you strengthen your personal and professional network too. I follow a very simple philosophy marry my dream job date my resume. Until you are lucky enough to knock on the door of your dream career execute what your passionate about look at today’s careers that’s an interest you and that you share things in common with, and you will eventually find your dream job

Try your hand at consultancy

You’d be amazed after 4 to 5:00 of this job are career dates you might quickly find a company who’s willing to pay you for the different services you can provide. Instead of being a job seeker solely dependent on whatever positions are available you can use the talents and skills you’ve learned and the relationships you’ve cultivated to start the consultancy business for example many of today’s Fortune 500 companies simply started as neighborhood businesses where a college student was designing someone’s web page for free to

A traditional employment path may not be the answer

Gone is to tell you where you should be listening to your parents or grandparents who tell me that you should get a full-time job work for 40 years get to golden watch and retire this is not a path that would provide fulfillment to many people. Your ultimate goal should be to build your resume find as many different companies as you can who can give you the experience you need to advance your career. Don’t you start to exceed your employee’s expectations look at potentially freelancing or temping using the connection you developed within different companies no interest you accumulate greater experience?

Make your skills transferable

Patriarch managers love candidates who have the ability to perform a variety of different industry-specifics tasks obviously education prevents credentials certifications and degrees are important however unless you can convert these into specific skills and qualities that your employer wants they’re not worth the money to print. Identifying different traits in prospective employees is extremely useful when you’re looking for the right talent most of the little interest in training newcomers they look for people who have specific skills and the track record and excellence if you can do this you boost your career prospects it may surely

Address your weaknesses

I’ll let you started building your brand and focused on the money of your strengths it’s time to take an honest assessment and look for ways that you can make yourself more attractive going forward. What are your greatest weaknesses have you approved ability to do the job can you manage people are you generous with your time do you like volunteering you need evidence that you are successful career data may be some time to start publishing your experience writing for a trade publication or a professional organization this can soon get you sitting at the right table with potential employers

3. Be your own advertising agency

Beautiful Young DesignerHow’s your dating different careers and developing a personal brand it’s now important to learn how to take your new experience and your skills and Market them. Some of the best athletes actors speakers authors in the world have been using the internet to market their personal brands and services for years social media helps you the perfect opportunity to build your LinkedIn profile and resume allows you to connect with other press professionals in your field and gives you access to numerous forums and online groups

Who is your target audience?

How could you possibly expect to get your dream job unless you have an in-depth understanding of potential employers you’ve got to do your research, Only taking action will create change in your life. Learn as much as you can about the personalities skills knowledge and even the ethos of the different organizations you want to work with look for what they value highly. This is clearly laid out in the personal specs and job descriptions of any advertisement tailor your resume and your interview to meet these needs so you can become part of the company’s bigger picture

Identify your unique selling point(USP)

that’ll be a high probability that you will have a similar skillset experience education to other people applying for the same position. How are you going to make yourself stand up from the crowd if you talk to any sales and marketing professional all around the world they will tell you that a product needs to have a USP are a unique selling point some niche factor that makes people want to buy it so once you’re developed your brand you need to identify your USB and focus on it whether it’s personal interests a combination of your past experience or any special certifications or training and you might have to make sure it’s to the front of any resume the potential employer is looking at

Work on your communication skills

Whenever you’re looking for a new position you need to have an in-depth understanding of how to talk about who you are but more importantly, the industry you’re interested in learning the buzzwords the key phrases, and the application to your new position

Don’t hide your personality

Another way to make yourself stand out in the crowd is to add a little personal touch of flair to your application no one is just a collection of experience qualifications and skills we all have a human side talk about your personal interests and passion and make sure that you Market yourself as to be considered what rounded individual

Stay current

A vital cog in the wheel is to stay up to date with current events in your industry and what’s happening in the news read influential websites blogs and publications cuz you can be certain that they will be a discussion point in your interview

4. You have to be yourself

Woman Writing A TextIt takes courage to make a change in one’s life and also persistence and perseverance as you are starting to build your brand it’s important to test the waters see what works for you as you’re trying to sell yourself to recruiters HR managers and industry leaders you have to ask the question exactly are they looking for what has launched your brand by having different websites blogs presentations courses and white papers with your name on us this will show people you’re serious about your profession and you’re not afraid to be genuine oil

Body language tells a lot

If you’re a 40 I contacted fidgeting or slumping in your chair it shows that you’re not pretty sure of yourself you’re probably disinterested in the job and focusing is not one of your strong points make eye contact to confirm handshake and maintain a positive posture this will show people engaged and following the interview process

Choose your words carefully

You would be amazed the number of times people will use the word like are um in an interview if nerves coming to play then verbal ticks become far more prominent if you notice yourself humming or liking when you don’t want to take a deeper breath and pause between each sentence

Dress for the occasion

No matter what people say you should dress well during an interview. And it’s uncomfortable but does choose an industry-specific outfit or something that’s suitable for the type of interview doing what you’d wear to a retail job interview would be different from what you wear to a fashion blog interview

5. Surround yourself with positive people

When you’re on a journey to rebrand and relaunch your career your ability to network in professional circles is vital and it’s important to understand that you don’t need to be the most outgoing friendly personality to a network you can expand your professional circle by joining forums going to professional development conferences. Take advantage of every opportunity you can find anything that opens the door to a new career opportunity you don’t always have to do this in person virtual events and social media, as well as online learning platforms, are an excellent way to network

Get your resume right

One of the most effective ways to network is during a job interview I’ll start building relationships with HR managers and recruiters they can help you by giving you feedback teach you how to improve and see where you’re weak. Listen carefully when you ask for feedback and be genuine this is an excellent technique when it comes to building a successful career path

Don’t waste time

Successful people are careful with the time so if you’re looking to network stick to an agenda and do what you can to keep it on track. And most people are happy to give you a little of the time if you’re wasting it still quickly lose interest and everything ahead of time establish your professionalism and remain credible

Do more listening than speaking

Most industry leaders love the sound of their own voice that’s one of the reasons they get where they are today you don’t have to be an epic conversationalist to network but you have to be a good listener if you’re asking some for advice and you’re doing more talking than there that something’s wrong. You really want to try to add value to your networks do less talking and more listening ask smart questions

Tell a story of success

Once you hit a topic that the person you’re talking to it shows interesting to tell a story that might help them especially if they’re in similar situations tell them how your issue arises and how you went about resolving it but keep it short and to the point solutions should be time and cost-effective information should be passed in manageable amounts

Ask for help

The most important goal when trying to effectively network is not just to add one or two people to your professional group every person that you add to your network has the possibility of putting you in contact with the region of 200 other people if they trust you have to chance to get introductions to some of these contacts and broaden your network

6. Never work for free – learn your value

Smiling Women ArtistNot if you’ve gone to the trouble of building the brand you’ve tested put a lot of time and effort into designing remember you’ve earned respect and it’s time to get paid for the power to deserve never be afraid to ask for the incentives benefits and salaries you deserve and have earned ensure you know what people with your educational qualifications and experience in getting paid in the industry however far too many professionals undervalued himself and have no concept of what the current salary range in their stater City maybe this puts them at a significant disadvantage when negotiating to remember when you were first hired you were a novice you know are worthy of higher salary don’t be afraid to ask for us

Experts agree that these are clear signs you’re getting the salary you deserve

  • If you look for similar job openings in your area on the Saturday and offer is the same as you’re on now this is a good indication that you’re getting a fair salary
  • You’re not being paid fairly if your boss expects you to work excessive amounts of overtime but you’re in a salaried position and there are no bonuses on offer for the extra time you’re working
  • Neither gives you dental coverage time off sick pay and health coverage values you and there’s a high probability that you’re also getting paid a fair Saturday competent person deserves a significant compensation package so if you’re happy with the whole package you have then chances are you being paid fairly

7. Don’t over commit to work

Once you start building a successful career on your career rehab is firmly on the right path it’s important to find a balance now that you’ve managed to develop and renovate your career focus on building a strong and cantered work-life balance make sure you spend time on vacation with your family exercising and eating healthy what’s the point in having a successful career if you’re not spiritually mentally and physically well try and become a morning person people who are healthiest get to bed early and focused on getting up early in the mornings to get more difficult tasks completed.

  • Make time for yourself when you have a personal problem burying yourself in your career isn’t going to help
  • Try and work to a set schedule what’s the point in rediscovering your career path if you’re working in ATR a week
  • Out of your career passes back on track it’s time to ensure that your finances remain healthy work on your budgeting financial management and more importantly your retirement fund. If your career path leads you to start your own business get used to using accounting tune rules as early as possible as they will help you manage your finances both in the short and long term.
  • Create a time and that you can follow and there are many programs and applications that can help you with this schedule specific dates and times for activities that need to be done make sure you look after commitments including birthday parties holidays etc that are important to rest your family

8. Don’t be afraid to travel

The most recent data available my show was that on average people spend 54 minutes every day commuting to and from work this is four and a half hours every week or nearly 200 hours every year

This is a huge amount of time and as a professional career coach I have constantly spoken to my clients about finding a balance and working from home is definitely something they should consider

Save Time

She used to work from home without to save you a significant amount of time was it your commitment to climbing to a corporate letter or not you could be Childfree and single its irrelevant time wasted commuting is still time to be spent doing something more interesting

Reduce Cost

Maintaining whatever form of transport you use to travel to and from work also cost you money so keep this money in your pockets because obviously better

Better the environment

No matter what you use as a form of transport be at a bus subway train or car unless you’re cycling a bike your commute to work is not good for the environment


They are you spend commuting every day you could be spent researching and developing your dream career if you want to work with a specific company you need to understand them better than they understand themselves

9. Stay focused on you

If you’ve come this far and you still haven’t reached your goal of rehabbing your career you may be a lot closer than you think. Maintaining positivity and focus to ensure your career path is healthy and your building is a strong and solid brand is difficult especially if you’re struggling to maintain a strong work-life balance.

Part of your process is to continue to build strong working relationships and maintain a healthy lifestyle you have to care for the people you work with as well as your families and yourself otherwise you’re going to neglect somebody or something that’s important in your life. A successful career where you have doesn’t happen overnight I even if you do manage to do it quickly it’s something you’re going to need to maintain your personal brand needs to be able to ride the ups and downs of your life and come out of the other side

Once you’ve reached your goal here are some ways that you can maintain your success and motorcycle tools that are regularly used by successful

Visualization techniques

You’re now taking the steps needed to reach your career goal or path to achieving success is something you should be immensely proud of and the best way to ensure that it doesn’t become toxic is to use visualization to keep yourself motivated and ensure you continue in a healthy q

Think positively

40 negativity monitoring your feelings and your thoughts especially when you are running a little bit longer in the tooth is the best way to avoid toxicity in your career


This doesn’t involve climbing at the top of a hill in the middle of nowhere and spending hours with your legs crossed you can meditate in just a few minutes a day all you have to do is focus your mind and control your breathing this is an excellent way to remain within your comfort zone and reduce your stress

Never give up

One thing you can be certain your career path is going to be full of unexpected setbacks and errors you’ll never get right the first time but getting it wrong is not a failure it’s just an opportunity to learn

Be your best self

Instead of trying to beat other people which is something you cannot control focus on yourself and how good you can be

Set manageable challenges
Sitting on ready to go home I can’t leave a negative imprint on your mind it’s better to set smaller and more manageable challenges and uses a stepping stone to a larger goal.

The key to success you’re reaching a career rehabilitation is to stay focused and to learn to utilize different psychological tools that will help you gain perspective on healthy mental patterns

  • Avoid negative thinking whatever possible
  • Success is not going to find you you have to find it yourself
  • Believe in your own ability
  • Something goes wrong take responsibility don’t blame others
  • If you don’t know how to do something this is okay asking for help



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Top Tips Before Starting an Online Business

The richest man in the world is Jeff Bezos whose net worth is estimated to be upwards of $150 billion. In case you didn’t know, Bezos did not start building his Amazon empire in Silicon Valley, but rather in his basement! Wouldn’t it be great if you could build a successful online business as well? Online businesses are certainly the way forward.word art It is a tough market out there so you must be well equipped before jumping into the arena.

A Google search for “how to successfully start an online business” will procure 799,000,000 results. Of course, Google’s algorithm picked up tens of millions of websites that are not relevant, but it is safe to say that at least the first couple of pages are pertinent to the question at hand. Now, do you want to try navigating through 50 websites in search of genuinely helpful information?

There is a popular misconception that Google’s top search results are the most trustworthy. This could not be farther than the truth; as competing businesses only grab the top spots based on high volumes of traffic, acute search engine optimization methods, and successful marketing strategies. Especially for the inexperienced seeking to keep up with the competition, it can be extremely dangerous to assume that popularity equates to the truth.

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There is nothing like having your own online business. You make the decisions, and as one song says, you “win or learn”. However, creating your own company can be tricky. Especially if you are building from the ground up. There will be constant questions that must be answered, such as:word art

How will we consistently draw in customers? How will we stay up with trends? How will we do all of this and not break the bank? It quickly becomes obvious that one thing is needed above all else-


Without accurate facts and data, wrong decisions get made. When a fork in the road comes up, a turn can become a dead end. What is the most common way to find information right now? If you said, “Google it!” you are right.

Unfortunately, Google isn’t an encyclopedia. It is a place where people upload information and sometimes that information isn’t as reliable as we would like it to be.

In fact, there are some people who put false information online just to see what effect it might have.


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One of the most damaging falsehoods—also known as a scam—is the type that asks for people to “invest” in a company. Then, that company will help the person earn unbelievable amounts of money.


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